First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1242 Why Are You So Negative Suddenly?

Chapter 1242 Why Are You So Negative Suddenly?
Jing Ge didn't go far, jumped onto a tree, and played the flute again on the tree.

This time, the sound of her flute finally caught Lin Lansheng's attention, to be exact, it finally reached Lin Lansheng's ears.

Lin Lansheng and Xuanyuanche are still looking for her whereabouts.

When Lin Lansheng heard the sound of the flute, Lin Lansheng stopped the movement of his feet. He took advantage of the situation and pulled Xuanyuanche, signaling the other party to be quiet. He listened to the source of the sound of the flute wholeheartedly and identified the direction.

It's just that when he heard the sound of the flute, Jing Ge was almost finished playing.

Before he could make out the direction, the sound of the flute stopped.

But he can be sure that the sound of the flute was played by Ge'er for him, playing the flute at this time must be something serious.

Lin Lansheng's complexion changed drastically.

What he was most afraid of was that Jing Ge was in danger and he couldn't get to her quickly.

Standing beside him, Xuanyuan Che, who was still held by him, felt his uneasiness from his holding his hand, and asked quickly: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the sound of the flute just now?"

He could see that Lin Lansheng's abnormal behavior appeared after hearing the sound of the flute.

So his abnormal behavior must be related to the sound of the flute.

"The sound of the flute was played by Geer. Something must have happened to her. We must find her immediately." Lin Lansheng was very worried when he thought of Geer's troubles. This worry was all expressed on his face. Pale and pale, it looked terrible.

"Don't worry, Ge'er can still play the flute, which proves that she's fine now, maybe something else happened, let's find her first, don't scare yourself, see how pale your face is With your current appearance, if Geer sees you, she will definitely make her worry about you instead."

Hearing this, Lin Lansheng patted his face with both hands, then rubbed it a few times, looked at Xuanyuan Che and asked, "Look at my face, is it still ugly?"

Xuanyuan Che stared at the approaching face, his heart skipped half a beat, then he pushed his face away and said, "Don't get so close, just don't worry, did you hear that direction just now? If we look in that direction, we will definitely find Geer."

When Lin Lansheng heard this, he immediately became depressed again. He said, "Before I could tell which direction it was, the sound of the flute stopped. Am I useless?"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so negative all of a sudden? This doesn't look like you at all."

While Xuanyuanche disliked Lin Lansheng, he also felt curious in his heart.

This is not like him at all. When Lin Lansheng encounters something, although he will worry, but it is definitely not such a negative worry. He will hide this worry in his heart, and then quickly analyze the current situation, striving for the fastest time to turn things around .

Lin Lansheng, who is in such a passive state now, is a completely different person.

"What's wrong with you?" Xuanyuanche suddenly realized that there must be something wrong with Lin Lansheng's body, otherwise it would be impossible to suddenly become like this.

"I'm useless, I'm really useless, I can't protect Ge'er well, my little uncle is too useless, why should I live? If only I was the one who disappeared, let me replace my sister It's okay to die, why not let my sister live, I'm such a trash, such a useless person, I should be allowed to die."

Lin Lansheng's words made Xuanyuanche completely furious.

In anger, he raised his hand and slapped Lin Lansheng hard in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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