First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1243 The king will let them see the majesty of the king

Chapter 1243 The king will let them see the majesty of the king
Lin Lansheng covered his face, his eyes seemed to wake up suddenly, he looked at Xuanyuanche's angry face in disbelief, he looked at him in astonishment, and said in a daze, "Why did you hit me?"

"Why did you say I hit you? What did you do just now?"

"What did I do just now?" Lin Lansheng felt dazed, if it wasn't for her cheeks rising, she wouldn't have dared to go into details, and she was slapped by her best friend Xuanyuanche?
What's going on here?

Why was he suddenly beaten by Xuanyuanche?

Did he do something to offend Xuanyuanche?

Xuanyuanche has been looking at him, the confusion in his eyes is serious.

He really didn't know what he was doing.

"What did you say just now, do you remember?"

"What did I say? Didn't I say we need to find Geer as soon as possible?" Lin Lansheng held his head and suddenly felt a headache. He said, "Why do I feel like I lost part of my memory? What happened to me just now? And why did you hit me?"

He didn't think that Xuanyuanche would be the one to attack him casually.

So there must be a reason for that slap just now, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't remember what the so-called reason was at all.

"You really don't remember?" Xuanyuanche looked puzzled.

He doesn't look like he's faking it.

Could it be that something happened just now?Or did you eat something wrong?cause him to...

"Did you eat something just now?" Xuanyuanche quickly pointed his target at a black wild fruit that Lin Lansheng had inadvertently eaten just now.

With such a weird color, even Lin Lansheng dared to wipe it and directly threw it into his mouth and ate it into his stomach.

"I seem to have eaten it. Could it be related to that fruit?"

"[-]% of the time, that thing has the ability to amplify people's negative emotions infinitely. After you eat it, you heard the sound of the song flute just now, and the emotions of worry and guilt are amplified infinitely under the action of that thing. It becomes negativity and you start to doubt your own existence."

"What the hell did I just say? Why do you have a face like eating shit."

"No, you read it wrong. I just think it's very fresh. I didn't expect to see you like that in my lifetime. Okay, let's stop worrying about this issue. What you should worry about now, uncle, Geer Why did she play the flute, and what happened to her."

Lin Lansheng immediately put away his teasing expression when he heard the words, and followed Xuanyuanche forward.

The two walked not far.

A man in rags appeared and blocked their way.

Lin Lansheng almost didn't recognize that this was his subordinate.

When the man saw Lin Lansheng, he immediately knelt down.

With tears in his eyes, Shengju spoke out in detail what he had encountered along the way, and that Ziyuan Kingdom had a different heart and wanted to kill their compatriots.

Lin Lansheng heard this, and angrily patted the tree trunk next to him. .

As a result, the leaves fell and the birds flew away.

"Princess Yunge appeared to save you? Then how is she doing now?" Lin Lansheng gritted his teeth, his face was congested with anger, his face was blushing and his neck was thick, looking very scary.

"This subordinate doesn't know. Princess Yunge asked her to come back. She said that she would continue to save people, so she separated from her subordinate. I'm sorry, my lord, but this subordinate failed to protect the princess well."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself. It is the Ziyuan Kingdom who overestimated itself and wanted to challenge the authority of the Fengyue Kingdom. Then I will let them experience the majesty of the king."

(End of this chapter)

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