Chapter 1246
Heaven rewards hard work, but heaven will also punish evildoers, demons, and demons.

As long as these things don't violate the bottom line of the way of heaven, nothing will happen.

But once he took a detour and was known by Heaven, he would be punished cruelly.

The ugly thing in front of him must have devoured many people, and his companions who have learned to use ventriloquism to deceive human beings have long been tolerated by heaven.

The fact that he has not been punished for a long time is most likely because of the special geographical location here, and it has not been noticed by Tiandao for a while.

Once you realize that the ugly thing in front of you, there will be no day for it to transform into a human form.


Jing Ge thought of something.

She used the principle of water reflection and glass refraction to create polygonal ice cubes and water vapor. Under the simultaneous action, she created countless reflections of her.

That ugly thing had just developed its wits, so it wasn't considered smart. When it suddenly saw so many people, it started cooing excitedly.

It was at this time that Jing Ge approached.

She started to move slowly first, intending to lure the ugly thing away a little.

When Li Chen landed in a relatively safe place, Jing Ge suddenly started running wildly.

As soon as she ran, those reflections also shook.

Seeing this, the ugly thing rushed over quickly, intending to eat those reflections.

It's just that every time you grab it, those things will disappear in an instant, and you can't eat them at all.

But the ugly thing has a limited IQ, and it doesn't know that it is the real Jing Ge, the real prey that can be eaten.

Under Jing Ge's teasing, it became angry.

Angrily spread out the wings that cover the sky and the sun, and flapped them vigorously.

What is shocking is that the wings that don't look very big, but the wind they fan out is equivalent to a tenth-level typhoon.

The reflections made by Jing Ge were all blown away, the water vapor was blown away, and the ice cubes were also melting rapidly, turning into tiny blocks and being blown away.

Even Jing Ge's feet were blown off the ground. If she hadn't reacted quickly and hugged the big tree next to her, she would have been blown away long ago.

However, even though she hugged the big tree, the strong wind speed was still blowing the big tree, almost breaking the big tree by the waist.

Seeing that Jing Ge was about to be blown away.

Li Chen suddenly woke up, raised his sword and rushed towards the ugly thing.

Just at this time.

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and almost instantly, all the light around was deprived, and I couldn't see anything, and I really couldn't see my fingers.

"Why is it suddenly dark?"

Jing Ge found that the ugly thing started to be afraid, and kept cooing towards the sky, and she stopped flapping her wings in Jing Ge's direction, and Jing Ge was also able to breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that she didn't let go of her breath, when there was a sudden thunder, which made her fall directly from the tree in fright, and her buttocks landed on the ground, almost shaking her buttocks to bloom.

"What's going on here?" Li Chen tried to approach Jing Ge, but he couldn't find the direction at all in this place where he couldn't see his fingers. Mouth, sent to its mouth, was eaten, that would be too innocent.

After thinking about it, Li Chen still didn't dare to move.

He tried to get Jing Ge's attention in a low voice.

However, the thunder in the sky was too loud, and the voices of the two couldn't communicate with each other at all, and they were worried that if they were too loud, they would be heard by that ugly thing.

Jing Ge was even more afraid to light the fire, for fear that if he lit it, it would anger this ugly thing.

It's so dark everywhere now, it would be extremely bad for them if the ugly things suddenly attacked and started to create strong winds.

(End of this chapter)

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