First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1247 The princess is a road idiot

Chapter 1247 The princess is a road idiot
So be patient.

"Princess, what's going on here?"

"Why is it getting dark all of a sudden? And with the lightning and thunder, it looks like the weather will be very bad."

"Li Chen couldn't help it after all. He took advantage of the moment when the lightning sounded to see the ugly thing's position, and then ran in the opposite direction of the ugly thing. The distance was far enough. While the sky was cooing non-stop, he tried to have a conversation with Jing Ge.

His heart was up and down, and he felt too uneasy.

It always feels like something big is going to happen.

It made him feel uneasy with jealousy.

"I don't know either. It feels like Heaven is going to punish this ugly thing. You see, it has been fighting with Heaven, just trying to argue with Heaven."

"Ah? What is the way of heaven? Why can't I understand." Li Chen felt that all the books he had read in the past twenty years were wasted.

I can't understand the princess' words at all, and what does the princess want to express?
This is too mysterious.

I don't understand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, you will understand later." Jing Ge didn't intend to explain.

The question before them now is how to escape safely, instead of being affected by the punishment of heaven.

"You run to the southeast, hurry up." Jing Ge suddenly said to Li Chen.

Li Chen didn't understand what was going on, but since the princess had said it, it was the southeast direction.

He quickly ran towards the southeast direction.

Then suddenly bumped into a soft wall, which seemed to be furry.

Fluffy and nice to the touch.

Li Chen reached out his hand and touched it by accident.

Then the next moment, there was a huge thunder in the sky, and there was lightning.

Li Chen was able to see clearly what the wall in front of him was, and at a glance, he was almost scared out of his wits.

Isn't this special girl the ugly thing just now?Why did he run towards the ugly thing?

Did it go wrong?
No, this is Southeast.

Li Chen looked at the ugly thing taller than him in horror.

He swallowed nervously.

What should I do for a while, this ugly thing looks hard to deal with.

Will he be eaten with one bite?

Jing Ge also noticed the situation here at this time, and she quickly asked, "Why did you go over there?"

Li Chen said innocently, "Didn't the princess tell me to go southeast? Isn't that what I'm going to do?"

"You ran in the wrong direction. The southeast is the direction of this side." Jing Ge pointed to the completely opposite direction to Li Chen's running.

The corner of Li Chen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Ah? Princess, you're wrong. That's not the southeast direction. It's the northwest direction."

Li Chen suddenly remembered that his boss is also a road idiot, and it seems that the princess is also a road idiot.

I knew I shouldn't have listened to the princess, but now...

Before he could figure out how to escape, the ugly thing in front of him suddenly saw his direction clearly under the lightning.

But the ugly thing didn't stutter him, but raised his foot angrily at him, and kicked him away.

The direction in which the kick flew happened to be where Jing Ge was.

Li Chen felt that the bones in his chest were about to be kicked and broken.


"Hey, why are you here? You came here quite quickly. Let me tell you, there is a way out there to escape. We will..."

Before she finished speaking, a huge beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, directly surrounding them and the ugly things...

(End of this chapter)

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