First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1248 He Lost Someone

Chapter 1248 He Lost Someone
Princess Yunge of Fengyue Kingdom disappeared and disappeared into the magic forest.

The king of Fengyue Kingdom and the Supreme Demon Realm sent people to carry out a carpet search of the magic forest, and almost wiped out all the beasts and monsters in the magic forest.

But the whereabouts of Princess Yunge were still not found.

It is said that another person was also missing.

The two missing people seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find themselves.

As time passed day by day, rumors began to spread in the market about the death of Princess Yunge, and some even thought that she should be eaten by monsters.

After all, there are quite a lot of monsters in the magic forest.

There were even rumors that fragments of Princess Yunge's clothes were found in the forest, which further confirmed the murder of Princess Yunge.

Bai Yeling searched for people like crazy in the magic forest almost day and night, almost destroying the entire magic forest, but he still couldn't find the person he wanted to see.



Numerous negative emotions were intertwined in my heart, and the pain was almost numb.

Ye Ba Ye Shi Shi and the others followed behind and gave up hope until the end of the search, but no one said a word of giving up. They just looked at the painful demon and fell into silence.

They begged God in their hearts to be kind to the deeply affectionate man in front of them.

However, all things are in vain.

Bai Yeling was slovenly, with a shaggy beard, and he was in extreme embarrassment.

Ever since Ge'er's accident, he had stepped into the magic forest. Until a month had passed, he hadn't left a single step. He probably couldn't find anyone, and he planned to sleep here forever.

"One of you go and persuade the lord, if this continues, the lord will fall down before the person is found." Looking at the lord like this, Ye Ba felt distressed.

The lord thought to himself, when that person grows up, he will marry her back home and have a group of children for himself.

But good fortune tricks people, and before that day, people are lost by themselves.

"It's been a month, do you think it's still possible to get it back?" Ye Shiyi sighed softly, "I don't think so, the lord actually knows it in his heart, but he just refuses to accept it."

Bai Yeling tightly held a broken step, it was Ge'er's clothes, the only thing that still had her breath left, and the only thing left for him.

If he knew that there would be today's farewell, he would not have left her side even if he died.

However, there is no early knowledge or if in the world.

He lost people.

I lost my sweetheart in the magic forest, and I can never find it again.

Bai Yeling didn't care about his image, the moment he found the rag, he knelt on the ground in front of everyone, yelled at God, crying and clamoring: "Give it back to me, you give me back the person, what do you want?" , I will give you all, as long as you return the person to me."

The people standing nearby are all people who have followed the Lord of the Demon Realm for many years. They have never seen this man shed tears, but when they saw him today, they wished they could bear the heartbreaking grief for him.

Thousands of demons cried together, and sadness spread in an instant.

"Why? Why, I only want her alone. Why did you take her away from me so cruelly? Although I am a demon, I have never done anything harmful to the world. I have saved countless people and amassed such a huge amount. Why can't I get her own safety in exchange for her merits? Why? Tell me? What do you want from me? Pfft..."


Bai Yeling suddenly vomited blood and passed out stiffly.

"My lord, my lord..."

(End of this chapter)

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