First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1251 You are also a poor man

Chapter 1251 You are also a poor man
"Mother, grandpa is back." The little boy had just sneaked out of the kitchen, his mouth was covered with oil and he forgot to wipe it off.

After he ran in, he remembered that he didn't wipe the corners of his mouth.

Facing the eyes of his mother in the room.

Immediately she smiled mischievously at her mother and said, "Mother, grandpa is back, can we have dinner?"

After finishing speaking, as if thinking of something, he ran to the bed and asked, "Is this little brother seriously injured? When will he get better?"

As soon as he asked the words, he found that his mother was crying again.

The little boy turned around, wiped his mother's tears in a panic, and asked her: "Mother, what's the matter? Can't the little brother be rescued? No, grandpa is back. Let grandpa see, he will definitely be rescued. "

As the little boy said, he ran out again and pulled his grandpa in.

Lu Jian'an was dragged in by his grandson, saw that there was an extra patient in the room, and saw that his daughter-in-law and son looked unhappy, and before the husband and wife could speak, he walked to the bedside.

Fingers on the girl's wrist.

"Youcai, take out the Ganoderma lucidum in the box, cut it into ten pieces, and feed her along with the medicine."

"Father, that Ganoderma lucidum is your old man..."

"No matter how precious Ganoderma lucidum is, how can it be as precious as human life?" Lu Jianan waved his hand, signaling to his son that there is no need to say more.

Then I went out and went to the pharmacy to get some medicine.

Lu Youwei sighed, and was about to go out, when Lin Lianzhi grabbed him and asked, "What daddy means, can you keep it?"

Lu Youwei shook his head: "It's still hanging, but if Dad can't keep it, then I have nothing to do, I can only do my best and obey the destiny."

"So it's not a little brother. I thought I would have more brothers." The little boy was a little unhappy.

The little bully in the village is about the same age as him, about ten years old, and has an older brother who always stands up for him and helps him bully other children.

It's awesome.

He also wanted a brother.

So after knowing that the little brother is the little sister, the little boy couldn't hide his disappointment.

Lin Lianzhi had just cried, and her body was a little weak. She touched the little boy's face and said, "Abao, my sister's existence must be kept secret, you know? When you go out in the future, don't tell anyone about your sister."


"Don't ask why, just take it as protecting us and this family, okay?" Lin Lianzhi didn't want to expose her son to those things too early, so she had to change the rhetoric.

The little boy nodded, patted his thin chest and said, "Mother, don't worry, I won't say anything."

When the little boy went out, Lin Lianzhi brought hot water, scrubbed the girl's body well, and checked her body to make sure that there were no special marks on her body. Only then did she relax a little with her high hanging heart.

"I hope you won't bring disaster to this family." Lin Lianzhi said with a sigh.

She looked at the girl's eyes, full of distress.

"You are also a poor person. At such a young age, you are pregnant with a child and you have to suffer such a serious injury. You don't know if the child will survive."

"I hope God can bless you."

A month later.

The unconscious girl finally woke up.

The girl who had been in a coma for a month had no flesh on her body.

Eye sockets sunken deeply.

The girl opened her eyes, and as if she had noticed something, she put her hands on her belly.

Lin Lianzhi walked in, just in time to see this scene.

She quickly put down the medicine bowl in her hand and walked towards the girl.

"Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

(End of this chapter)

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