First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1252 The Original World

Chapter 1252 The Original World

"You are?" The girl sat up with Lin Lianzhi's support, looked at the strange things around her, and fell into a momentary panic, "How long have I been in a coma?"

The exhaustion of her body, and the limp feeling all over her body after a long sleep, gave her a very ominous premonition.

"My name is Lin Lianzhi. You fainted in the Tianxing Palace. When my father-in-law and the child went to the mountain to collect herbs, I rescued you. You have been comatose for a month."

Lin Lianzhi came slowly.

"What about you? Do you remember your name and where is your home?"

"My name is Jing Ge, and my home just mentioned the Heavenly Star Palace?" Jing Ge's eyes widened suddenly.

Heavenly Star Palace.

Isn't that the world she lived in in her previous life?

Did she go back again?
"Yes, are you from Tianxing Palace?" Lin Lianzhi asked.

"I'm not." Jing Ge bit her lower lip, "What's wrong with me?"

"There is something, I want to tell you, I hope you can be mentally prepared." Lin Lianzhi held Jing Ge's hand, patted the back of her thin hand, her voice choked up.

Jing Ge felt a strong uneasiness in her heart.

"You're pregnant, but...the baby, you can't keep it." Lin Lianzhi said the last thing, and she started to cry.

She hugged the completely numb Jing Ge in her arms, and said softly, "My child, you are still young, and there will be more in the future, so relax."

It took Jing Ge a long time to come back to his senses, he turned his neck stiffly, looked at Lin Lianzhi, and just opened his mouth, tears fell down first.

"You, you said that I once had a child? But I lost it?"

Jing Ge did not cry unrestrainedly, but shed tears quietly, with red eye circles, which made people feel more sorry for her.

Lin Lianzhi looked at her, her heart ached, and she couldn't help but said: "My child, if you're really sad, just cry out, don't hold it in, it will damage your body."

Jing Ge's hand placed beside the bed was trembling all the time, she didn't dare to touch her lower abdomen anymore, for fear that if she touched her belly, she would remember that she had conceived a child, the child of her and Bai Yeling.

Bai Yeling.

She has returned to her original world, will she still be able to see Bai Yeling in the future?
If Bai Yeling knew that the child was lost by her, would he hate her?Would she blame her for not taking good care of their child?

Jing Ge bit her lower lip, biting her lip too hard and directly.

But this little pain is nothing before the great grief of losing a child.

"Child." Lin Lianzhi didn't know how to comfort her. At the same time, as a woman, she naturally knew how painful it would be to lose her child, so she also knew that all words of comfort were useless.

This poor man lost his child, and when he knew that the child existed, the child was gone. How many women can bear such a blow?
Unfortunately, the child's father was not by his side either.

A lonely person has to face this huge pain of bereavement.

Lin Lianzhi wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.

Sitting by the side, accompanied by silent tears.

"I want to be alone, sorry."

"Okay, don't worry about it, you are still young now, and you will have children in the future."

Lin Lianzhi said a few words, then left the room silently, leaving Jing Ge alone in the room, facing the great sadness alone.

After Lin Lianzhi left, Jing Ge held his stomach and cried in despair.

Her face was covered with tears, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

But the person who would take care of her in the palm of his hand is no longer by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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