1276 Pregnant 1
"Didn't you hear?" When Jing Ge and Bai Yeling spoke, their tone softened unconsciously.

The eyes were shining, as if there were stars falling in her pupils.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't hear." Bai Yeling really wanted to rush over to hug her.

Thinking of the apex of the heart hurts.

When he first found out that she was missing, Bai Yeling completely collapsed.

After a period of days that seemed human but not human, he even had a soft thought, after his younger brother Bai Changle found out, he brought his mother to come to Bai Yeling's side, and after several rounds of persuasion, he finally dismissed this thought.

But even so, Bai Yeling's face was still lifeless, and most people dared not get closer than three meters when they saw him.

For fear of being accidentally injured by the black magic power leaking from his body.

It has been a long time, until they received a letter.

An envelope from the honored master.

No one knew exactly what was written in the envelope, but Bai Yeling's whole person changed immediately after reading the letter in the envelope.

Started to eat well, started to shave, and started to live like a human being.

It's just that he still locked himself in the house, and his mother Zhu Lixia or younger brother Bai Changle delivered all the food to the door of the room.

No one knew what he was doing in the room, they only knew that he would eat all the food delivered every day before releasing it.

He was willing to eat well, which had already reassured Zhu Lixia and Bai Changle a lot, and they didn't dare to knock on the door and ask him what he was doing inside.

Bai Yeling locked himself in the room, and after almost a month, he finally connected with Jing Ge. After being able to talk to her, his heart finally relaxed a lot.

Although he knew that she was still alive through the letter sent by Master before, Bai Yeling couldn't feel relieved if he didn't hear her voice or see her for a day.

"You are going to be a father." Jing Ge smiled, rubbed his belly, and told him the good news with a smile.

After she finished speaking, she thought that Bai Yeling would be so excited that he would yell.

As a result, there was no sound on the other side.

She thought the conversation was interrupted again, but after a glance, the jade pendant was still on, which proved that the conversation was still connected, so why didn't he reply?

Don't you like this kid?
Jing Ge's mood fell instantly.

She likes this child very much, and when she thinks that the blood of her and Bai Yeling is flowing in this child, she is so happy that she wants to turn around and tell the whole world that she is looking forward to the arrival of this child.

But if the father doesn't like or even look forward to the arrival of the child, then she will be very disappointed.

"Ling, don't you like..."

"Ge'er, I'm sorry, I can't stay by your side and let you take care of the child alone, I really deserve to die."

"Papa!" came two crisp applause.

As soon as Jing Ge heard it, he knew it must be Bai Yeling secretly blaming himself and slapping himself.

She felt distressed and said loudly: "Stop it, you are already mine, you can't let yourself hurt casually, even if it's yourself, I won't allow you to hurt yourself, you know?"

This idiot, even if he blames himself and feels guilty, he can't take it out on himself.

Doesn't he know that he will love him?

The more Jing Ge thought about it, the more sad she became, and the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and suddenly tears fell uncontrollably.

Although she didn't cry very loudly, Bai Yeling still keenly heard her cry.

Nervously asked her: "Ge'er, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

(End of this chapter)

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