1277 Pregnant 2
Jing Ge didn't answer his words, letting tears flow down her face.

"Ge'er, stop crying, please tell me, is the child making trouble with you? You warn him, if he dares to make trouble with you again, I'll beat him up when he comes out."

"Then what if the baby is a daughter? Do you want to beat the daughter too?" Jing Ge was suddenly amused by him, laughing through tears.

"My daughter doesn't hit me, my daughter hits me."

"Pfft, you are stupid." Jing Ge was amused by him.

The two held the jade pendant and talked for a long time. At first, Bai Yeling was so excited that he couldn't find the southeast and northwest, but finally calmed down slowly, and said many words of advice.

After finishing the call across the world.

Bai Yeling walked out of the room for the first time.

As soon as he left the room, he immediately ran to find Zhu Lixia.

Zhu Lixia is his mother.

When Bai Yeling came to find her, Zhu Lixia was still talking to Bai Changle, because of Bai Yeling's locking her in the house, she was quite grey.

So when she suddenly saw her eldest son appearing at the door, Zhu Lixia thought for a moment that she was hallucinating because of day and night thinking.

She rubbed her eyes, saw that the man was still at the door, still couldn't believe it, she patted Bai Changle's shoulder with her back to the door, and said, "Le'er, look, the one standing at the door is you Brother? Is mother hallucinating?"

Hearing this, Bai Changle turned around and looked over, and immediately jumped up from the chair excitedly.

"Mother, it's not a hallucination, it's really my brother, my brother came out of the room."

Bai Changle was very excited. After jumping up from the chair, he rushed to the door, threw himself into his brother's arms, rubbed his chin, and said, "Brother, you finally came out. I miss you so much. I'm worried about you, if you don't come out again, mother's hair will all turn white."

Hearing the words, Bai Yeling took a look into the room, and sure enough, he saw Zhu Lixia's originally beautiful black hair, mixed with a few white hairs, which looked particularly dazzling.

Bai Yeling was filled with guilt, strode in, came to Zhu Lixia, and hugged this mother who was losing weight because of worrying about him, and became much thinner in her arms.

I don't know if he got the news that he was going to be a father, but Bai Yeling felt that he had never understood a mother's feelings like this moment.

The more he understood, the more guilty and uneasy he felt.

I only cared about his affairs, cared about my discomfort, and locked myself up to sort out my mood, but forgot that there was someone in this world who cared more about him than himself.

This person is the mother, and she will worry about herself and feel sorry for herself.

"I'm sorry, mother, the child made you worry."

I'm sorry to say it out of his mouth again. During this time, he has been ashamed of the two women he loves most in his life.

One is Ge'er, and the other is his own mother.

"Boy, you figured it out. If you don't come out again, mother will really worry to death." Zhu Lixia patted his back lightly, hot tears fell down instantly, dripping on Bai Yeling's shoulder .

"Mother, I have some good news for you." Bai Yeling let go of Zhu Lixia, wiped his reddened eyes, and said, "Mother, I'm going to be a father soon."

"What?" Zhu Lixia's eyes widened in shock.

Before she could speak, the other person reacted faster.

Bai Changle didn't know when he rushed in from the door, and suddenly slapped his brother in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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