Chapter 1311 Forever
"Perhaps what I said now is too surprising to you. After all, I used to be so ruthless, but now, I feel that I have changed a lot, but I am very satisfied with the current situation. Own."

After Jing Ge finished speaking, he smiled at Bai Yeling again.

After Bai Yeling heard her say those words that had never touched anyone before, he was stunned by surprise.

Ge er has never liked anyone?Don't like this squall either?So he is Ge er's favorite person, and he will be Ge er's last favorite person?
He is Ge er's only man.

Thinking of this, Bai Yeling felt that he was in such a good mood that he wanted to run out and shout.

That's great.

How could God be so kind to him.

There is such a huge distance between him and Ge'er, if Yuelao hadn't made the connection, he believed that he would never meet Ge'er in his whole life.

Realizing this, Bai Yeling cherished the hard-won relationship between him and Ge'er even more.

"No matter what you want to say, I know it, but this time, I'm serious. You love each other, so you must understand my decision, right?"

Bai Mian was covering his face in pain beside him.

Hei Luo felt sorry for her and let her cry on his shoulder.

Baimian wept and said, "I still don't want to part with Master. Why can't Master let this man and this child live in Tianxing Palace? We will definitely take good care of Master. As long as Master needs it, we can end the vacation immediately and return to the By the master's side, take good care of this little master."

"Didn't you notice the change in me?" Jing Ge said with a sudden smile, "Although this face is almost the same as my original face, it is no longer that face, and I am not me anymore. During this period of time, I have experienced too many things.

Although it was only a short period of two or three years, I felt that in this short period of two or three years, I was alive.

I used to live just to continue to breathe, to hold my breath, not like God admitting defeat, but now it is different, now I am alive with flesh and blood, I love everyone around me, and I am loved by everyone.

It can be said that this short period of two or three years has brought me more happiness than the past hundred years, so I hope you can understand my choice. "

Jing Ge said a lot of things in one breath. After all, she still hoped that in this world, she would be one of the few cherished people who could understand her.

Even if she doesn't understand, she will choose to leave in the end.

But if she can be understood, her mood will be much better.

Hei Luo still wanted to continue talking about staying.

Instead, he was pulled back by the white noodles next to him.

Bai Facing Hei Luo shook his head gently, and said firmly: "Honey, I understand the choice of the master, let's bless the master together, and respect her choice."

Although Hei Luo still felt that it would be better for the master to stay, but his beloved had already said it, so he must be right.

So he didn't continue persuading Jing Ge persistently.

Instead, he lowered his head and sighed helplessly, and said, "Master, Tianxing Palace will always welcome you. No matter when you come back, this place will always be your home. As long as you still want to come back, you can do so at any time."

Bai Mian nodded beside him, and repeated Hei Luo's words.

"Master, the Heavenly Star Palace will always welcome the master, will always belong to the master, and we will always be loyal to the master."

(End of this chapter)

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