First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1312 Of course we are willing

Chapter 1312 Of course we are willing
"Bai Mian, Hei Luo, please give my child a name. Even if I leave here, I will tell my child about you in the future, and let him know that you gave him his name."

Baimian clenched Heiluo's hand excitedly, and the husband and wife looked at each other.

Giving a name to the child of one's own master is equivalent to naming the future little master, which is a supreme honor to them.

"Is this really appropriate?" Hei Luo asked nervously.

After all, he is his master's child, and also his future little master, Hei Luo is still worried that doing so will not conform to the rules.

These two people who have watched the rules for most of their lives will not allow themselves to make such mistakes.

But you can choose a name for your future little master, especially the conditions proposed by Jing Ge are so tempting.

They had to be bewitched.

They also want their little masters to know their existence, even if they don't have the chance to serve the little masters in the future, they also want the little masters to know that their generations will serve the little masters.

"There's nothing inappropriate. It's not so much that I want you to help choose a name, but rather that I ask you to help choose a name. Baimian and Heluo, are you willing?"

"Of course we would."

"What's the child's last name?" Bai Mian and Hei Luo didn't know the child's father's last name yet.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Bai Yeling, and I am Geer's lover. Thank you for taking care of Geer in the past. I will take care of her in the future." Bai Yeling said to Hei seriously. Luo and Bai Mian said.

Bai Mian sized up Bai Yeling for a long time, and saw that this young man had firm and serious eyes, a heroic spirit between his brows, and an extraordinary aura, he was not a mortal at first glance.

They can rest assured that the master's future will be taken care of by this young man.

"If the surname is Bai, it's better to be called Bai Gewei. I took your surname. Her name is homonymous, which means the only person I love deeply." After Bai Mian finished speaking, he looked at Jing Ge and Bai Yeling with some embarrassment.

She was worried that her name would not sound good, which made them laugh.

Jing Ge didn't think too much about it, but when she heard the name, she liked it very much.

Bai Yeling likes it too, he likes the implication in this name the most.

The moral is so good.

Bai Gewei, the only person I love deeply.

He and Ge'er are each other's only deep love.

This is also the result he wanted.

"I think it's very good." Bai Yeling quietly pinched Jing Ge's small waist, and expressed his opinion on the side.

Jing Ge nodded, "I also think it's appropriate."

"Then call it this name, thank you both." Bai Yeling, as the child's father, decided on the child's first name.

As for the nickname, he planned to discuss it with Jing Ge later.

Bai Mian and Hei Luo were worried that they would disturb Jing Ge's rest for too long, and after talking for a while, they decided to leave and go back to the room that originally belonged to them.

Bai Yeling didn't want to make Jing Ge too tired, so he asked Bai Mian and Hei Luo to retreat without further persuasion.

Gale was also leaving.

After the three of them left, Bai Yeling supported Jing Ge towards the big bed.

"They all treated me very well. This accident, being able to return to this world and tell them about me is actually a blessing in disguise for me." With help, go back to bed and lie down.

She had just laid down when that stinky little thing suddenly started crying at the top of her throat.

(End of this chapter)

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