First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1315 Open your mouth and cry loudly

Chapter 1315 Open your mouth and cry loudly

When the two of them first came in, Bai Yeling stepped on the swamp, and sank into it, most of his body was buried in it in an instant.

Jing Ge was scared to death, especially Bai Yeling was still holding the baby in his arms.

The baby's milk name is Doudou.

When Bai Yeling stepped into the swamp, he still hugged Doudou firmly, without disturbing Doudou who was still sleeping.

It just almost frightened Jing Ge next to him.

In fact, if Bai Yeling didn't want to wake Doudou up, he could fly away the moment he found out that he stepped on the soft swamp.

Later, Jing Ge pulled the man out to a safe place, and after knowing his plan, he reprimanded him severely.

"Doudou just cries for a little while, just coax her. Haven't you thought about what we mother and son will do if something happens to you? Don't you want me to regret this decision for the rest of my life to come to Ancheng to rescue her?" person?"

The more Jing Ge talked, the more wronged she became, and finally she burst into tears.

Bai Yeling hated seeing her cry the most, seeing her red eye circles, immediately felt distressed.

Regardless of taking off the wet clothes on his body, after throwing the child to Qinglong, he strode over and hugged her into his arms.

"Don't cry, I was wrong, I won't do it next time."

Jing Ge was so angry that he bit his shoulder hard, "If there is a next time, I will never be with you again. Anyway, we are not married yet, so I will take Doudou to live together, and we will return home The Lin family, grandpa and little uncle will definitely not dislike me."

"No, of course they won't dislike you. They wish you could go back to live, but I won't let you go away from me. You are mine, and you will always be mine alone."

As Bai Yeling said, he lowered his head and kissed her brow and eyes, and solemnly swore: "Hey, there is a river in front of me, I'll take a bath and change clothes, I'll talk about it later."

But Jing Ge suddenly put her arms around his neck, offered her red lips, and fought with him for a while.

When the love is strong.

When Bai Yeling was about to take a step further, Jing Ge suddenly bit his lower lip, "Hurry up and take a bath."

Still seems angry.

Bai Yeling was helpless, but he didn't dare to provoke her when she was still angry.

So I obediently went to take a shower.

When Bai Yeling came back from the shower, he saw Jing Ge holding Doudou and feeding her.

Qinglong was nowhere to be seen, probably out for a stroll.

Jing Ge looked at the exposed snow-white roundness, and looked at his son with complicated eyes.

It was supposed to be his place, but it was used by his own son.

Moreover, now that his son has encountered many more opportunities than him, he can hardly enjoy his own benefits.

It's all because of the appearance of this brat.

Bai Yeling's eyes were too complicated and hot, Jing Ge quickly noticed his gaze, looked up at him, very puzzled.

"Did you take a shower?"

Bai Yeling nodded, walked to Jing Ge's side, sat down next to her, smelled the familiar milky scent, and felt even hungrier.

He looked sideways at Doudou, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch Doudou's chubby cheeks.

Probably because I didn't grasp the strength of my hand well.

Too much force made Doudou cry in pain.

"Wow wow wow..."

The little guy opened his mouth to cry and let go.

Bai Yeling just saw Jing Ge's red eyes slipping out of the little guy's mouth.

Suddenly dry mouth.

If it wasn't for the fear of being beaten up by Jing Ge, he would have rushed over and took a bite.

Seeing how delicious the son is eating, it must taste very good.

(End of this chapter)

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