First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1316 Is Geer Sleeping?

Chapter 1316 Is Geer Sleeping?
Jing Ge didn't know what Bai Yeling was planning, but he had a faint feeling that there seemed to be a beast's gaze behind him.

That gaze was like a wild beast locking on to its target, just waiting for the right time, and then pounced on it.

Jing Ge turned his head, Bai Yeling seemed to notice something, and quickly averted his gaze.

So Jing Ge only saw Bai Yeling who was staring into the distance in a daze.

She frowned suspiciously, thinking to herself, could it be that she was too suspicious and misjudged?

She turned her head back, lowered her head and squeezed her son's fingers, then turned her head sharply to look back.

Bai Yeling's posture was still the same as before, almost unchanged.

So it was really because she was too suspicious?

Jing Ge was full of doubts, but she didn't know that after she turned back, Bai Yeling stared at her back with the gaze of a wild beast targeting its prey.

Her almost salivating eyes fell on her exposed fair neck.

I wish I could rush over and take a bite of that fair neck.

Jingge managed to feed Doudou to his full. After Doudou was full, he smacked his mouth a few times, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Bai Yeling felt sorry for Jing Ge, it took too long to feed the child, and his hands were sore.

So he walked over and took the child in his arms.

Shake it gently to make Doudou sleep more comfortably.

Father's embrace was wider and more comfortable than mother's, so Doudou, who was still whimpering a little, fell asleep immediately after falling into Bai Yeling's embrace.

sleep soundly.

Bai Yeling looked at the sleeping Doudou, quietly moved to the side of Jing Ge, bit her earlobe and asked, "Do you want to continue on your journey? Or should you rest in place for a while? Get up in the morning and start your journey again?"

The swampy area is too dangerous after all.

After the sun goes down, it's basically not suitable for traveling. It's still early, and you can still walk for a while, but the environment here is not very good.

Jing Ge was worried that if he went further, he would not be able to find something to eat, nor would he be able to find such a suitable place to rest.

So after much deliberation, he decided to take a rest here and wait for Qinglong to bring back the food he ate.

Eat and drink enough, rest for the night, and continue on the road tomorrow.

Bai Yeling naturally had no objection to this.

At the beginning, he was still wondering whether he should throw Ge'er down tonight. After all, he had to travel during the day and take care of Doudou, so it would be very tiring.

Now a good opportunity is presented to us.

If he doesn't succeed tonight, he will be sorry for the good opportunity that God sent to his door.

"Okay, let's have a good rest tonight, and get up tomorrow morning before going on our way." Bai Yeling said pointedly.

Let Ge'er rest well now, tonight is a good time for him to unleash his big brother and show off his glory.

Jing Ge didn't know what was going on in Bai Yeling's mind, but when he heard Bai Yeling said that he would not be on his way for the time being, and after resting first, he asked him to set up the tent, and took the child inside.

Bai Yeling was guarding her outside, sprinkled a lot of realgar powder around her, and approached with a poisonous snake.

Then he also controlled the aura and set up a fire ring to isolate all harmful objects from approaching.

Qinglong went out looking for prey for a long time, and finally came back with an edible snake.

Flying down from mid-air, he threw the dead snake in the open space, beat his arms and legs, and said seriously, "Is Geer asleep?" He glanced at the tent next to him, but he didn't see Geer. , then guessed and asked.

Bai Yeling nodded.

Qinglong curled his lips and said: "Then how to deal with this snake?"

(End of this chapter)

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