First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1327 Help us contact Li Chen

Chapter 1327 Help us contact Li Chen
Her identity is special, and her name is well known. If possible, it is best not to let anyone know her real name.

After hearing what Jing Ge said, Bai Yeling could understand her worry.

The two unanimously decided not to mention Jing Ge's name afterwards.

Although they are not afraid of trouble, they don't want to take the initiative to cause trouble. If possible, of course they hope to leave here earlier and return to the original world.

In that world, there are still many people they care about.

Also worried about them.

Especially grandpa, grandpa is already quite old, and it's really wrong for her to worry about her like this.

Another thing is that grandpa's health goes from good to bad, and Jing Ge is worried that during the period of time when she can't go back, grandpa will fall ill again because of too much worry and depression.

And I can't take care of my grandfather by my side, after thinking about it, I still feel that I should go back to my grandfather early, at least I can take care of my grandfather's body.

"Are you Li Chen's acquaintances?" The county magistrate touched his chin, and when he looked at Bai Yeling again, his eyes were full of awe.

"Well, can you inform me?" Bai Yeling knew from the two people's answers that he knew Li Chen's whereabouts, and he could also guess that Li Chen had spent more than a year in Lin'an City. It was so good that when the county magistrate and master heard Bai Yeling mentioning Li Chen's name, they obviously showed admiration.

It can be seen that Li Chen's name must have become a household name.

It would be much easier to find Li Chen this way.

Bai Yeling breathed a sigh of relief between his brows.

If you find Li Chen, you can go back earlier. After all, this is the world Jing Ge has lived in for a long time.

After all, he is still worried that the longer Jing Ge stays in this world, the more he will be reluctant to part with everything here, and he will be reluctant to leave. At that time, he wants to take Jing Ge back to his own world, but it will not be so easy .

Although he had decided in his heart that no matter which world Geer chose in the end, he would stay with him, and only the place where Geer existed was his home.

It's just that he still has people he cares about in another world, if he can go back, of course it would be the best.

"It's possible, but it's not easy for us to meet Lord Li Chen. If you can wait, I'm willing to help you."

Seeing that he didn't plan to pursue what happened just now, the county magistrate breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Bai Yeling probably didn't notice him peeking at Jing Ge's chest just now.

In fact, he didn't look at it with lewd eyes, it was just that the child kept rubbing against the woman's chest, and when his eyes fell on the child, he couldn't help but take a look.

With just this one glance, he immediately felt as if he had been stared at severely.

So until now, I am still worried that I will be taught a lesson by this terrible man.

But now it seems that this man probably didn't notice.

The magistrate breathed a sigh of relief.

The expression on his face also began to relax a lot.

Yet at this time.

Bai Yeling suddenly said, "If you can help us get in touch with Li Chen, I can consider letting you go and not pursue what happened just now."

County magistrate: ...


It turned out to be seen.

It's no wonder that just now, he kept feeling chills on his back. He thought it was because the weather was getting colder. Now that he thought about it, it was probably because he was being targeted.

(End of this chapter)

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