First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 1328 Elbowed Bai Yeling once

Chapter 1328 Elbowed Bai Yeling

The county magistrate Yu Sheng patted his chest for a while, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He paid even more attention to Bai Yeling's request.

He decided to solve this matter for Bai Yeling himself.

The county magistrate thought about Li Chen's recent itinerary, and immediately said to Bai Yeling: "You two should live in the yamen for now, and I will go to solve this matter for you right now. Don't worry, I will definitely arrange it as soon as possible." You met Master Li Chen."

After the county magistrate finished speaking, he left the yamen with his master.

As the two walked on the road, they started an argument over Bai Yeling's identity.

After fighting and fighting, in the end, they didn't find out that Bai Yeling was an elite from that sect.

But although he can't see his background, his domineering aura cannot be ignored.

"Anyway, I can't find the reason, so why don't we stop looking, let's find Lord Li Chen quickly, fulfill the request of that person as soon as possible, and send him away earlier, so that my uneasy heart can be calmed down, otherwise I will always worry about it. The Yamen will be torn down by him."

Master nodded knowingly.

He and the county magistrate are in the same line and complement each other.

It can be said that one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

The county magistrate is good, and he is even better. The county magistrate does not benefit, and if he is impeached and resigned, he will definitely be resigned.

So even if it's not for the county magistrate, for the sake of his own future, he must handle this matter well.

"Then let's go faster. I don't know how long Master Li Chen will stay in the temple this time. If we go late, we will be in trouble if we don't meet."

"You're right. It is the easiest and quickest way to go to the temple to meet Mr. Li Chen. If we wait for Mr. Li Chen to return to his mansion, it will be even more difficult for us to meet him."

"Yes, you are right, let's go quickly."


After the two finished speaking, they began to quicken their pace again.

Bai Yeling went back to the house, saw Jing Ge on the bed coaxing Doudou to sleep, couldn't help walking over, took off his shoes and went to bed.

Seeing him approaching, Jing Ge took the initiative to hug Doudou and sleep in it, leaving half of the bed for him.

Bai Yeling smiled contentedly, then lay down and hugged Jing Ge from behind.

"Did you get any useful information?" Jing Ge asked.

She knew what Bai Yeling was going out for, and after going out for such a long time, she should probably be able to get good news, Jing Ge thought so, and the voice of the question also carried a hint of hope.

"Well, you guessed it right. Li Chen is doing well here, and his status is not bad. Just now, the county magistrate and master promised me to help us find Li Chen, and then meet us. As long as Li Chen doesn't Amnesia, when he hears my name, he will definitely come, we just need to wait here for the good news.”

As Bai Yeling said, he kissed Jing Ge's beautiful hair again.

Jing Ge turned her head and exchanged a deep kiss with him.

Then he said: "I hope it goes well. If it goes well, we can go back in a few days. I haven't seen grandpa and them for a long time, so I'm worried."

"When I first heard about you, I told them that you were still alive. They should all be looking forward to your return." Bai Yeling put his arms around Jing Ge's waist, tender and fragrant. When I was pregnant, I had other thoughts.

Jing Ge slept with him hugging each other for so long, and felt the change in his breath almost immediately, knowing that something must have happened to him.

Hastily elbowed Bai Yeling.

(End of this chapter)

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