Chapter 560
"Yes, it was him. During the auction, I sat next to him and saw it clearly. At that time, I wanted to put a sack on him and take him out to repair him severely. I didn't expect that I would come to my door to send him to death. These people don't even ask, who is Big Brother Bai? Is he someone they can move around at will? Hmph, you're overthinking yourself."

His brother is a majestic Lord Mozun, and these guys don't even know Mozun, so it's not pity to die.

Bai Changle hummed in his heart.

They went back to the inn, but before entering the room, they were immediately startled by Chu Xiaojie who rushed over.

Chu Xiaojie's head was covered with sweat, and his face was a little pale. It seemed that he lost too much water and didn't replenish it in time.

"What happened?" Jing Ge saw that he was in such a hurry, his heart skipped a beat.

He looked behind him frequently, but he didn't find any trace of Meng Feifei.

Is it...

"Yes... it's the lunatic's family." Chu Xiaojie panted heavily.

"People from Baiyun Gym? Are they here? How many people are here? Is the sweat on your forehead from fright or heat?" The corners of Bai Changle's mouth twitched a few times. Bundle.

I thought something big was going to happen.

"I... I came out of the heat, Lang Ming... Lang Ming has been crying, Meng Feifei and I are almost exhausted and paralyzed." After Chu Xiaojie finished speaking, he lay down on the railing and hung on the railing like a corpse. above.

He was really going crazy.

That brat didn't want to eat anything, no matter how hard he tried to coax him, it was useless. Now that he finally fell asleep, he came out to take a breather.

Meng Feifei was so tired that he collapsed inside to catch up on sleep.

Jing Ge returned to the room, just in time to see Lang Ming sleeping soundly on the bed, two drops of clear tears were still hanging on his flushed face, his eyes were swollen like peach pits from crying.

Meng Feifei was guarding by the bed, maybe he was too sleepy and fell asleep on his stomach, he didn't even hear Jing Ge's footsteps coming in.

When she got close behind her, Meng Feifei suddenly opened his eyes.

With wolf-like eyes, he turned his head to look dangerously at Jing Ge, until his eyes focused and confirmed that she was Jing Ge, then he quickly calmed down.

"Master, are you back?" Meng Feifei yawned, rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"Tired, aren't you?" Jing Ge looked at the bruises in his eyes, and the corners of his eyes stained with tears from yawning, and said with some distress, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, I feel very happy to be able to work for the master and share the tasks."

"Before Lang Ming went to sleep, did you feed him?" Jing Ge worriedly glanced at Lang Ming on the bed.

Langming whimpered twice, and suddenly seemed to sense her return, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at her with big red and swollen eyes blinking, and when his eyes met, Langming quickly grinned.

The smile is very sweet and cute.

Jing Ge lightly poked the dimple on Lang Ming's cheek, picked him up, patted his back lightly, and walked out.

Meng Feifei also walked out behind him.

"Song." Lang Ming buried his face on her neck and called out her name, his eyes still confused.

There isn't much human emotion mixed in.

It may take a long time for him to integrate into human society.

Jing Ge touched Lang Ming's head with some distress, seeing his eyes reminded him of the three-eyed wolf who died for them, and felt very distressed.

In front of Lang Ming, she never mentioned the three-eyed wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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