Chapter 561 Single Dog

Because every time I mention it, it will make Langming cry, it's different from crying when I can't find her, when Langming misses the three-eyed wolf, he will just silently curl up into a ball, hug his tail, and fall out of aggrieved Tears, without making a sound.

Crying silently is even more uncomfortable.

Especially when Lang Ming was still so young, and his emotions were completely blank.

Lang Ming is very dependent on Jing Ge, it can be said that he trusts her wholeheartedly, and only trusts her.

No matter who others are, they will provoke strong rejection from him.

But things are improving, and he is gradually trying to accept Meng Feifei, Chu Xiaojie and others.

Maybe it's because they know that they have no malice towards him, and they often live together, and they are familiar with each other's breath.

Lang Ming's rejection of them was much weaker, but if Jing Ge didn't come back for a long time, he would still make a lot of noise, as if he was worried that the other party would never come back again.

His mind is actually very sensitive sometimes.

Jing Ge knew that he must still remember the Three-Eyed Wolf in his heart, but he just couldn't express it. If he didn't see her for a long time, he would worry that she would disappear forever just like the Three-Eyed Wolf.

No matter how hard he looked, he would never see each other again.

"Let's go eat." Jing Ge hugged Lang Ming, walked out of the room, and walked towards the private room.

Bai Yeling has already ordered dinner according to her taste, mostly meat, everyone here is a carnivore, the kind who will get hungry if they don't eat meat.

Although Langming is still young, he eats meat very badly.

In the past, because he ate raw meat, he was very thin and his skin was sallow. Now after eating too much cooked food, Lang Ming's skin gradually became rosy.

It's getting cuter too.

"Rou Rou Rou Rou, I want to eat Rou Rou Rou Rou." Chu Xiaojie touched his chubby belly, his eyes glowed as he looked at the meat on the table.

"What else do you do besides eating?" Meng Feifei sat next to Chu Xiaojie, and poked Chu Xiaojie's stomach with his elbow: "Look at your fat body, if you don't lose weight, who will marry you in the future?" ?”

Chu Xiaojie knocked off Meng Feifei's claws with his little fat claws, raised his chin proudly and hummed: "Your master grows flesh with his ability, why do you want to lose it?"

"Enough is enough, being too fat is not good for your health, and it's not good for your cultivation." Jing Ge rewarded them with a chestnut.

"If I were to marry a crazy woman like my eldest grandson Lili, I would rather be single all my life."

"What is a single dog? A single dog is fine, why did you provoke you?" Bai Changle complained beside him.

"You don't know, do you? Xiao Ge'er said this. She said that she had been to a very interesting place. Where are people like to call single people who are not married single dogs." Chu Xiaojie explained.

"So all of us here are monotonous dogs?" After Bai Changle finished speaking, Ye Shiyi slapped his head and stuffed his mouth with green vegetables: "Second Young Master, this is spinach, eating more is good for your health."

Bai Changle, who doesn't like eating green vegetables the most, has a green face and gives Ye Eleven a vicious look.

This guy is really getting less and less cute.

Actually feed him the vegetables he hates the most.

"Who of you can explain to me, where is the eldest grandson Lili?" Jing Ge fed Lang Ming a bite of meat, then raised his head and glanced at them one by one.

"Someone picked her up. Someone came from the Baiyun gymnasium, and then took her out, so she probably won't come back." Chu Xiaojie said happily: "This is good news. Finally, I don't have to face crazy people anymore." That woman's face."

(End of this chapter)

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