Chapter 562
"When did you leave?" Jing Ge asked.

"Just half an hour ago, there were more than a dozen people here, and one of them was her personal maid."

"Well, let's go." Anyway, she still has the token of the eldest grandson Lili in her hand, so she is not worried that she will play tricks and refuse to admit it.

There is no need for the huge Baiyun gymnasium to ruin its century-old reputation.

"Eat well, don't think too much." Bai Yeling picked up a piece of her favorite taro ribs for Jingge, took the fork from her hand, and fed Langming instead of her.

Jing Ge just wanted to say that Lang Ming would cry like this.

In the end, Langming obediently opened his mouth wide and ate the food that Bai Yeling handed over.


Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie next to him were very envious. They tried so hard and failed to make Langming obedient. They never expected that the Lord could do what they couldn't do so easily.

Could it be said that the strong are more popular in the eyes of children?

In a sense, their guesses were not wrong.

When Bai Yeling handed over the food, Lang Ming didn't open his mouth to eat, he was full of resistance until Bai Yeling suddenly turned cold and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Feeling that his life was threatened, Lang Ming quickly obeyed Bai Yeling under his strong desire to survive.

This is the reason why some of them misunderstood.

"Xiao Ge'er, what is the wordless book you got today? Take it out and have a look." After Bai Changle was full, he sat on the stool and writhed restlessly, and finally asked himself Just wanted to ask the question.

"Wordless book? I haven't studied it yet, so I'll show you first." She took out the wordless book and threw it to Bai Changle.

Bai Changle held the wordless book and excitedly opened it.

The excitement on his face lasted for less than half a second.

"It's really all white. Is there some mystery hidden in it? But how do you get the words out?" Bai Changle turned the book upside down for a long time.

Still haven't found anything special.

"How about I try it with water? Isn't there a kind of paper that is coated with a certain powder, and you need to touch it with water to see what is on the paper? I think this is the case now, let me try it." Bai Changle The speed of his hands was extremely fast, and before others could stop him, he had already poured water on the pages of the book.

One drop, two drops...

Nothing has changed.

Bai Changle studied for a while, completely lost interest, put aside the wordless book and said: "I can't get it, Brother Bai probably bought a fake book."

"It can't be a fake book. The auction in Lingcheng is famous in Kyushu, so it's impossible to fake it." Ye Shiyi put down his chopsticks, put his hands on the table, looked away from the book, and continued: "If the auction dares to fake , their reputation will be ruined."

The so-called climbing high and falling hard, the higher you are, the more careful you are, and you can't easily arouse your anger.

"Let me try." Jing Ge took the wordless book and spread it out on the table.

She first sniffed it with her nose, then turned a few pages, and then took out a bottle of medicinal liquid from her bosom.

Put a few drops on the writing.

A miracle happened.

On the pages that were originally white, strokes appeared, and then there were complete fonts...

Bai Changle and the others watched around, and when they saw this scene, they all gasped.

Until Jing Ge got out the entire page of fonts.

Bai Yeling said: "This is "The Mystery of Heaven"!"

(End of this chapter)

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