Chapter 565

Not only her, but even the eldest grandson Haoyue next to her was also stunned.

Jing Ge shook his painful hand and said with a sneer, "Don't bully my people casually, otherwise next time, it will be more than just a slap."

When she is easy to talk, the whole person will look relatively immature, but once she cools down, when she doesn't show a good face, the whole person will look a little fierce.

The coercion that belongs to the superior person on his body will leak out unconsciously, so that people dare not provoke him casually.

The eldest grandson Haoyue's face became more and more ugly, and the eldest grandson Lili next to him burst into tears, grabbed his hand and said: "Second uncle, look at him beating me, if you don't vent your anger on me, if you don't vent your anger on me, I will tell you when I go back." grandfather."

The eldest grandson Haoyue looked puzzled, what should he do?Could it be that he directly repays his kindness with revenge?
If he dares to avenge his kindness and destroy the century-old reputation of Baiyun Gym, his father will tear him apart.

Jing Ge looked at him with a sneer: "What's the name?"

"Eldest Sun Haoyue."

"Daozhang Changsun, you can rest assured that I will not marry her." Not to mention that she is a woman and cannot marry a wife, even if she is a man, it is impossible for her to marry such a brainless woman as Changsun Lili .

Marrying home means suffering, she is not stupid!
"This is the best." Changsun Haoyue wanted to ease the atmosphere around him.

No matter what, it was Lili, the eldest grandson who hit someone first, who was wrong.

He also remembered that they were there to thank, not to find fault.

"If you have nothing to do, you can leave first, we have something to do later." Jing Ge didn't want to continue to see the face of the eldest grandson Lili, so he directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Just as Meng Feifei wanted to ask someone to go out, Changsun Lili yelled strangely a few times, and hid behind Changsun Haoyue, refusing to leave.

"I don't want to leave, I still have something to say." The eldest grandson Lili took it for granted, pointed to Bai Yeling and said, "Second Uncle, I like him, you asked Grandpa to propose marriage, I want to marry him, he is a demon Supreme, if I marry him, I will have face in Baiyun Gym."

Changsun Haoyue noticed the sudden coldness in the air and the spiritual pressure deliberately released by Mo Zun, her scalp went numb for a while, and she cursed at Changsun Lili in her heart.

A vase with more success than failure, doesn't know how to look at people's faces, can't it be a vase quietly next to it?

pissed him off.

If he had known, Lord Mozun would appear here. As early as when his father asked him to go down the mountain to pick up his eldest grandson Lili, he would have refused.

This woman will kill him sooner or later.

"Uncle Bai, she said she likes you, why don't you respond?" Jing Ge smiled with the corners of her lips curled up, and when she looked at Bai Yeling, her eyes sparkled with the active factor of watching a drama.

The angry Bai Yeling gritted his teeth, and cursed softly in his heart: Little heartless.

"There are so many people who like this deity, do you want this deity to marry all of them home?" Bai Yeling had a cold face, and the mask on his face couldn't stop the deep cold air from leaking out.

Especially those deep and dark eyes, clearly looking at Gujing without waves, but in fact, people don't even have the courage to look directly.

"Why don't you like me? What do you not like about me? Tell me, can I change it? As long as I can marry you, I can do whatever you want me to do." Changsun Lili eagerly wanted to rush forward, but was caught The eldest grandson Haoyue took her hand.

Jing Ge watched from the side and shook her head: This woman's brain is long for decoration, right?
Do you want to marry Mozun just like that?Is the Demon Lord blind?
Tsk tsk, it's boring, the opponent is so weak, she can't even arouse the interest of drawing the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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