Chapter 566 Seduction
"I don't like your existence." Bai Yeling said coldly, "Get out, I said never to appear in front of this deity again."

"No, I won't go..." The eldest grandson Lili cried and wanted to stay. After finally meeting the man she had liked for so many years, she would never leave unless he got him!

The eldest grandson Haoyue smiled apologetically to Jing Ge and the others: "I'm really sorry, we'll talk about the remuneration later, you can go to the Baiyun Gym whenever you have time, and I welcome you on behalf of my father."

After he finished speaking, he immediately had his eldest grandson Lili pressed down, turned around and left quickly, his running posture felt a bit like running for his life, as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

The corners of Jing Ge's lips curled up, she smiled and shook her head.

He shook his head twice, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone's very displeased eyes.

She stopped, looked over, and asked in doubt, "What's wrong?"

"Did you enjoy watching the play just now?" Bai Yeling gritted his teeth, so angry that he wanted to wring her head off.

Hadn't he been obvious enough before?Or did she not understand when he confessed?

Seeing that his face was getting more and more terrifying, Jing Ge subconsciously took a step back, looked left and right, trying to find someone to back him up, only to realize that at some point, everyone in the box had gone out, and even Lang Ming was killed. I took it out.

At present, there are only her and Uncle Bai left here.

When did these guys go out?

It's too much, why don't you stay and share the joys and sorrows?
The people who were lying outside the door and eavesdropping said: Let’s avoid sharing weal and woe. The uncle is so scary. When he is cold-faced, no one dares to approach the five-meter radius. Life is important, let’s slip first.

"Uncle Bai, I'm not watching a show, you're overthinking it, I just... just now I was actually distracted, yes, I was distracted, when you looked at me, I was actually thinking about something .” Jing Ge retreated step by step, and Bai Yeling approached step by step.

"Will your eyes shine when you get distracted? When eldest grandson Haoyue grabbed eldest grandson Lili, didn't you feel quite regretful? What? Didn't you want eldest grandson Lili to rush over and anger this deity, how can this deity deal with her?"

--Completely correct.

Why did this uncle Bai suddenly become a roundworm in her stomach?

At that moment just now, she was indeed watching the show with such a mind, but her eldest grandson Lili was still held back by someone.

If he hadn't been held back, Changsun Lili's dog's head might be able to hang on the city wall tomorrow——

"It's a little regrettable." Jing Ge grinned. At this time, she was already leaning against the door panel, but Bai Yeling hadn't stopped approaching.

Jing Ge twisted her neck, stretched out her hands to touch Bai Yeling's chest, and touched his strong and firm chest muscles under the pure cotton material, it was really tempting.

"Gulu." Jing Ge swallowed nervously, and the memories that had been buried in dust for a long time began to revive in his mind.

Those deliberately forgotten habits began to come back to life little by little.

"Uncle Bai, even if you're seductive, I won't give in." The words were completely thoughtless, and after jumping out, both of them were stunned.

Jing Ge: "..." Ahhh, what nonsense is she talking about?

Bai Yeling: "..." What did she just say?Seduction?mean him?So is she actually satisfied with her figure?

Bai Yeling recalled the first time the two met in the cave. When she just woke up, she seemed to be coveting his figure, and even stole a few, thinking he didn't know.

and so--

(End of this chapter)

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