First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 575 The Stars Are Bright

Chapter 575 The Stars Are Bright

When Lang Ming saw the person approaching, he shrank behind Jing Ge in fear, his little paws tightly grabbed Jing Ge's clothes, he didn't dare to let out the air of fear, he couldn't see the appearance of the little werewolf grinning ferociously back then.

He knew that the woman in front of him had no ill intentions towards him, so he didn't show hostility immediately.

But he, who has never been in contact with human society, feels uneasy and overwhelmed by the approach of strangers, so he can only rely on Jing Ge tightly.

Jing Ge squatted down, gently touched his pink and tender cheeks, and explained to him: "Young lady likes Langming very much, that's why I want to give Langming something to eat. Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, you can Take it, and then say thank you to Miss Sister."

Lang Ming was dull for a long time before he slowly comprehended the meaning of her words. He looked at the strange woman for a while, looked at the candy in the woman's hand for a while, and looked at Jing Ge again for a while, hesitating for a long time—handed it out slowly. Little Claw quickly took the bag of candies, and his face turned red like a ripe tomato at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jie Jie." The words were unclear.

"He said thank you." The translator Jing Ge went online.

"You're welcome." Hearing such a soft voice, the young lady was overwhelmed with maternal love, and reached out to rub Lang Ming's head.

Just as he was about to touch his hand, Lang Ming turned his head away to avoid it.

"I'm sorry, he's a little shy and not used to being touched." Jing Ge noticed Lang Ming's tense state at that moment, and immediately explained.

Although she really wanted Lang Ming to integrate into the human world as soon as possible, she didn't want to make things too difficult for him.

The strange woman was very sorry, but she also knew that she should not force her. She smiled politely at Jing Ge, turned around and left with her companions.

Before going far, Jing Ge heard the conversation between them.

"Ah, he accepted my candy, did you see that? Is it cute?"

"The cuteness is dead. When I go back, I will tell my mother that I agreed to the marriage she proposed last night. I really want to have such a cute little baby."

Jing Ge: "..." Is there still such an operation?
Looking down at Langming, the little thing looked at the colorful candies in the bag, with stars shining in his eyes.

Indeed... cute.

However, Lang Ming definitely doesn't know now, because his cuteness quickly led to a marriage.

As for whether this marriage will have anything to do with him in the future, it is still unknown.

Jing Ge knelt down, squeezed Lang Ming's furry ears through the hat, and asked, "Do you want some candy? My sister will peel it off for you."

Lang Ming swallowed at the candy, picked out a red one, and clumsily tried to tear off the wrapping paper with his tiny paws.

But it's too stupid, and I didn't get it out even after I wasted my energy.

Finally, he looked anxiously at Jing Ge.

Jing Ge smiled, took it, peeled it off for him, and just wanted to put it into his mouth.

Lang Ming shook his head, stretched out his small paws, and pointed his thin white fingers on Jing Ge's lips: "Song, eat."

"Is this something Lang Ming gave to my sister?" Jing Ge felt warm in his heart, and put his forehead against Lang Ming's, broke off the long strip of candy in his hand, divided it into two, and ate half of it with Lang Ming .

Sugar is sweet, and the heart is even sweeter.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, everyone." A rough voice came from far and near, accompanied by the sound of the galloping carriage, from afar.

The flow of people on the street quickly separated and stood on both sides in a panic, giving way to the middle road.

"Which daughter is traveling again?" someone from the crowd said.

"That's the seat of the third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, isn't it sitting on it is the third lady and her maid, Fei Cui?" The bystanders glanced at it, quickly lowered their heads, and explained.

(End of this chapter)

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