Chapter 576
Lang Ming was frightened by the sudden change, his eyes instantly turned into vertical pupils, his teeth were bared, and he stared fiercely in the direction of the carriage.

Before Jing Ge and Lang Ming had time to leave, the carriage that was rushing over was already approaching, and it was about to step on them.

The people on both sides watched all this nervously and held their breath, worried that the two of them would be trampled into flesh by the horse's hoof.

Those who are timid have already closed their eyes, not daring to watch the bloody scene that will happen next.

However, a surprising scene appeared.

When the horse was about to step on Jing Ge and Lang Ming, it suddenly stopped and stopped.

The seat behind was implicated, swaying here and there, and the people inside were also knocked to the side, their foreheads hit the wooden board, and a big swollen bump appeared.


"Who dares to block Miss Ben's way?" The woman touched the swollen bump on her head and walked out of the seat with an angry expression on her face. A maid beside her supported her hand.

Seeing that she was about to get off the carriage, the coachman immediately jumped off, knelt on the ground, and used his back as a cushion, letting the woman step on his back to the ground.

Hao Jiamin came to Jing Ge angrily, and said angrily: "It's you two blind dogs who blocked this lady's way? And caused this lady to be hit on the head? It ruined this lady's appearance , can you afford it?"

Jing Ge raised his eyelids coldly: "Obviously it was your sitting that almost hurt someone. It's broad daylight, and this is the main street of Lingcheng. Who doesn't know that at this time, the street is full of pedestrians, and the lady does not go around. Forget about the road, and still run at a faster speed, could it be that you deliberately want to kill someone?"

"Presumptuous, this lady is the third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and this street is still managed by our Prime Minister's Mansion. This lady is walking on my own territory, and I still need to report to you?" Hao Jiamin scolded, poking her waist.

"Caomin really don't know that the prime minister's office is so bullying and doesn't take human life seriously." Jing Ge said coldly: "Or, your prime minister's office thinks that the people in this mausoleum are ants? They can only be trampled on by you? "

Jing Ge's words immediately resonated with the common people around, they have long disliked the rampant behavior of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

It's just that they have been bullied for a long time, so most of them have become accustomed to it.

Hearing what Jing Ge said, these people suddenly realized that they are human beings and have the right to live in Mausoleum City, not ants trampled on by them at will!

"Miss, this will arouse the anger of the people, and the master will blame me when I go back." The maid beside Hao Jiamin, Fei Cui, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Besides, Miss doesn't want today's incident to be heard by Mr. Xiao. If this If Mr. Xiao knows about it, Ms. Yu ignores it."

"Hmph, I have something to do today, so I'll let you go. If you offend me next time, you will be severely punished." After Hao Jiamin finished speaking, just as she was about to leave, a sweet and pleasant voice came over.

"Third Sister, it's clear that you were the one who was rushing through the streets during the day and frightened others, why didn't you apologize, and instead slandered good people?"

The woman came slowly from behind Jing Ge. She was wrapped in a light pink dress and a tulle shawl, revealing a beautiful neck line and clearly visible collarbone. She was thin but not weak.The three thousand black silks are bundled up in a youthful and lively light blue color, with butterfly hairpins on their heads, coming in small steps.

She was supposed to be a beauty, but she lamented that there were several hideous scars on her face.

One forehead, two cheeks.

Completely ruin the woman's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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