Chapter 577 Shameless

"What's none of your business? Why don't you stay in the room and run out? With such an ugly face, I'm not afraid to scare people." Hao Jiamin snorted coldly at the woman who was coming, and breathed out from her nostrils, full of breath. Disdainful.

Hao Jiamin whispered: "It's disgusting, you can meet this ugly woman wherever you go."

"Miss, Missy, maybe she wanted to watch Mr. Xiao at the gate of the auction." The maid Fei Cui covered her mouth and smiled.

It's like a fox pretending to be a tiger and a dog fighting against others.

"Slap." Hao Xingyue stepped forward suddenly, and before anyone could react, she slapped Fei Cui's face hard.

"You, you hit me?" Fei Cui covered her red and swollen face, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe that she would be hit in the face.

"If I hit you, I'll hit you, why? My lady in the prime minister's mansion, can't beat you, a dog slave?"

The woman who spoke was Hao Xingyue, the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's residence, the daughter of a concubine, but for some reason, she became Xiao Yuhe's fiancée.

However, Xiao Yuhe never took this marriage seriously.

Because of this, even though Hao Xingyue had already reached the age to leave the court, she still hadn't married yet.

"Jade is mine, you ugly woman, whoever dares to hit me, don't you take me seriously?" Hao Jiamin was furious, and wanted to hit someone with her hands raised.

What Hao Xingyue hit was not Fei Cui's face, but her master's face.

An ugly woman dared to embarrass her in public.

Hao Jiamin was furious, and wanted to slap her with a slap, but was directly grabbed by Hao Xingyue.

Hao Xingyue said coldly, "I only have gum in my eyes."

"Pfft." Jing Ge couldn't help laughing out loud.

This Hao Xingyue is really funny, since she only sees shit in her eyes, she just answered Hao Jiamin's previous sentence.

If Hao Jiamin admits that she is eye shit, then Hao Xingyue will take her seriously. If she does not admit it, then don't blame Hao Xingyue for not taking her seriously—haha, she is really clever.

"Why are you laughing? Laugh again, and your mouth will be smashed!" Hao Jiamin was humiliated in public, panicked in her heart, Jing Ge sneered, and hit the point of the knife.

She glared at Jing Ge furiously, with an expression of wanting to swallow Jing Ge alive.

"Laughing is an instinctive behavior of human beings. Besides, with my mouth on my body, I laughed whenever I wanted to. Is it possible that before I smile, I have to say hello to you and get permission to laugh?" Jing Ge put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, Looking at Hao Jiamin, there was undisguised sarcasm in his eyes.

Hao Jiamin gritted her teeth angrily, and her voice came out word by word: "Come on, teach this young lady a lesson for this brat."

Hearing this, a dozen or so attendants behind him quickly surrounded Jing Ge, Lang Ming and Hao Xingyue.

Hao Xingyue didn't want to go out, so they surrounded her together.

"Hit me until she kneels and begs for mercy."

"Wait." Hao Xingyue stood in front of Jing Ge and Lang Ming and stopped several guards.

Although she was not favored in the prime minister's mansion, she was still the prime minister's daughter after all, with the prime minister's blood running down her body, and with her protecting her in front, these guards did not dare to beat anyone.

"Third Sister, I am also your elder sister. For my elder sister's sake, let these two innocent little brothers go." Although Hao Xingyue could hit Fei Cui with his hands, he couldn't hit Hao Jiamin, so he could only put down his tone and attitude. .

"Sister? Hahaha..." Hao Jiamin sneered, "I don't have a shameless sister like you."

(End of this chapter)

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