Chapter 582
It blooms in 3000 years and sets seeds in 3000 years, and the survival rate of the seeds is not high, so it is a very rare variety.

The red lotus blooms beautifully, and it is also a favorite of many female monks.

Jing Ge really liked this seed very much.

In her previous life, there was a huge red lotus in her residence. In the year of her accident, the red lotus was about to bloom, but it was a pity that she didn't have time to take a look at it in the end.

Jing Ge held the red lotus seed in her palm, her eyes were full of smiles.

There are little stars shining in the eyes, and the charm is boundless, making people unable to take their eyes off.

"I will definitely grow it well." Jing Ge smiled, his eyes full of determination.

Even if it is planted alive, she may not be able to see the flowering, but she will still work hard to feed it.

Even if it's just for an obsession from the previous life.

"Do you want to go to the auction tomorrow?" Bai Yeling sat back at the table and poured tea.

Jing Ge went to the opposite side and sat down. Seeing this, Bai Yeling pushed the undrinked tea in front of her to her, and poured another cup.

"I'm not going tomorrow, I've made an appointment with Hao Xingyue to go to the theater."

"Watching a play?" Bai Yeling raised his eyebrows.

He still remembered that the little guy once invited him to watch a free show, and he neatly cleaned up a group of ruffians in the underground black market in the capital.

Handsome and handsome.

Could it be that this time the theater is also the same?Who is the little guy going to teach?

Without waiting for him to ask the doubts in his heart, Jing Ge directly opened his mouth to solve his doubts.

"Hao Xingyue said that there will be a drama performance in the Grand Theater tomorrow, and it will be sung by Hua Dan, who is very popular in Lingcheng. He invited me to go and see it." Jing Ge is not very interested in watching dramas, but it's not that he hates them. He hasn't watched them anyway. He agreed to go and have a look.

Just took Langming to play.

"He is very happy to take Langming out today, so I will go out with him for another day tomorrow." Jing Ge said seriously.

"Well, be careful in everything." Bai Yeling said.

"Don't worry, most of the people are in the auction during the daytime, so it won't be a big deal." Jing Ge waved his hand.

After playing for a day, Jing Ge sat down, his nerves relaxed, and he quickly fell into drowsiness, his eyelids slowly closed, his head nodded a few times, and he fell asleep lying on the table.

Bai Yeling was still talking to her, but suddenly there was no response, and when he looked up, he found that she had fallen asleep.

Shaking her head helplessly, she stood up, walked to the opposite side, helped her up, put her down on the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

Turned around and just wanted to leave.

Suddenly thought of something again.

Turning on tiptoes, turning around, leaning close to Jing Ge's face, gently imprinting a goodnight kiss on the eyebrows and eyes.

"Good night." With a sneaky goodnight kiss, someone's ears turned red quietly, and before leaving, she touched her somewhat warm lips, feeling her body temperature still lingering on her lips.

You can feel the softness of your lips when you close your eyes.

Bai Yeling pressed the quilt for her, and reluctantly walked out.

"Do you think my brother is weird recently?" Bai Changle and Ye Shiyi slept in the same room, and they were covered with a quilt, chatting face to face.

The voice was kept very low, lest the Baiye Mausoleum next door heard it and would come over to have a discussion with them all night.

"How to say?" Ye Shiyi looked at Bai Changle with big black eyes.

"I can't say exactly where it is, but I just find it very strange, a bit like the performance of wild cats in spring when they are in spring."

"Pfft." Hearing his description, Ye Eleven laughed so hard that her stomach ached.

"If the Lord knows that you describe him as a wild cat in heat, you may be beaten to death."

"I won't be beaten to death. If you beat me to death, he won't be able to explain to his mother, but he will beat me up and say that I accidentally broke my leg while playing around." Bai Changle said indignantly.

(End of this chapter)

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