Chapter 583 Blushing
It was as if he had foreseen the appearance of such a scene.

"Hahaha, it really looks like something the Lord would do." Ye Shi said.

Early the next morning.

Chu Xiaojie and Meng Feifei got up and ordered breakfast on the first floor.

Waiting for other people to get up one after another, get together to have breakfast.

Lang Ming got up early today, and with Jing Ge's hand, he walked slowly to the dining table.

The little short leg couldn't climb up the chair, Jing Ge smiled and carried him up, touched and scratched his nose.

Although Lang Ming is not as repulsive to the rest of them now as he was at the beginning, he still relies on Jing Ge more. When Jing Ge is around, no one can get close to him, the only exception is Bai Yeling.

Of course, facing Bai Yeling, Lang Ming did not submit willingly, but was forced.

He was still young, but his bestial instinct let him know that he couldn't beat the opponent, so he could only temporarily choose to succumb to the oppression of the opponent.

"Master, are you going to the theater? I'll go with you, the auction is boring, I don't want to go." Meng Feifei bit off half of a big bun, swallowed it whole, and was busy talking to Jing Ge.

"Swallow the buns in your mouth first, don't choke later..."
"Cough, cough, cough..." Before she finished speaking, Meng Feifei choked.

A face turned red.

Jing Ge quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to him to drink.

After drinking the water, Meng Feifei took a deep breath for a while before recovering. He put down his cup in embarrassment, and looked at Jing Ge: "Master, can I go to the theater with you? I am so big, Haven't seen the play yet."

"Yes." Jing Ge said.

"Great." Meng Feifei clapped his hands excitedly.

After breakfast, a group of people split into two groups, one team went to the auction, and the other team went to an appointment to watch a drama.

Meng Feifei was very excited, which was specifically reflected in the fact that his face did not turn white during the whole process, and it was always pink with anticipation.

Jing Ge didn't notice at first, until Lang Ming suddenly pointed at Meng Feifei's face and said, "Face, red."

When Meng Feifei heard this, his face turned even redder.

Jing Ge just watched it, and couldn't help laughing.

Jing Ge came a little early, but Hao Xingyue woke up earlier than her. When she arrived, Hao Xingyue was already there, and she didn't know what time it was.

Looking at the vast white hair with some morning dew on it.

"You're here." Hao Xingyue smiled when she saw them.

It was still the same dress she saw yesterday, she didn't seem to care about the scars on her face at all, and she didn't care about other people's pointing fingers.

When passing by someone talking about her in a low voice, she will always pretend not to hear her, and walk over with a smile.

It seemed that nothing in the world could make her sad.

As strong as a scallop, he installed a tough protective shell for himself.

But how could it be possible not to really care about it.

Pretend to be strong, sooner or later there will be a broken day.

Jing Ge watched from the side, saw clearly, knew that she was faking, but didn't point it out.

Several people came to the theater soon.

They came a little early, and there were not many people entering the courtyard. Hao Xingyue walked to the door, took out the post in her arms, and handed it to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper took a look at it, immediately returned the post to Hao Xingyue, and invited them in respectfully.

Although Hao Xingyue was not favored in the Prime Minister's Mansion, after all, it was good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and with the Prime Minister's Mansion as the backing, no one would dare to disrespect her when she was outside.

 Thank you for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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