Chapter 584

"Song, candy." Lang Ming buried his head on her neck, with a pair of small claws around her neck, pointing to a place where candied haws were sold at the door, a big stick full of candied haws.

"That's candied haws."

"Sugar, Lulu." She still couldn't speak clearly, but compared to before, she has made great progress.

"What's wrong with him?" Hao Xingyue had doubts yesterday. Seeing this today, the seeds of doubt began to sprout. Lang Ming's behavior was obviously different from that of ordinary children who stutter. He looked as if he had never spoken. Just like talking, learning to speak.

"I'm relatively introverted, and I don't like to talk, so I can't speak clearly." Jing Ge explained.

After finishing speaking, she took Lang Ming's hand, and together with Meng Feifei, followed Hao Xingyue into the Grand Theater.

The Grand Theater has a large area, but it is still early, and there are not many people here, so it looks a bit empty.

There were only a dozen or so people here and there, sitting sparsely.

"Song, eat." Lang Ming took a bite of the candied haws that Jing Ge bought for him, and he liked the sweet taste.

He glanced at the delicious candied haws in his hand, staggered, walked up to Jingge, gently tugged at the hem of Jingge's clothes, and lifted the candied haws high in his hand: "Sing, eat, sugar, reeds .”

The little mouth is sticky with a layer of brown candy, which is shiny, just like his shiny eyes at the moment.

Jing Ge squatted down, took a bite of the candied haws he gnawed off, and ate it into his mouth without hesitation.

The tender and slender fingers lightly poked the dimple on Langming's cheek: "It's very sweet."

"What about me?" The delicious Meng Feifei ran up and squatted down.

The three formed a triangle.

Lang Ming turned his head and glanced at him, immediately snorted, twisted his buttocks and shifted to the other side of Jing Ge, hid his small body, pouted his small mouth and said, "No, here it is."

Meng Feifei: "... Tsk, brat, don't you usually have enough time for brother to take care of you? You won't even give brother a piece of candied haws. Be careful that brother will get your pants down and beat you when the master is not around. your ass."

As he spoke, he raised his fist and shook it a few times, pretending to be a threat.

Lang Ming immediately froze, bared his fangs, and stared at Meng Feifei fiercely.

At this time, he looked like a little wolf cub, looking fierce, as if he would jump out and bite off the neck of the person who angered him in the next moment.

Jing Ge raised her hand, put it on Lang Ming's hat, and gently pinched his ear through the hat.

The fried-haired little wolf cub instantly turned into a little milk dog, and threw himself into Jing Ge's arms obediently.

Meng Feifei: "..."

Hao Xingyue was at the side, watching this scene enviously.

I envy the atmosphere between them.

People came in one after another, and when they found a seat to sit down, almost all the seats in the Grand Theater were filled.

"The auction is still going on today. I didn't expect so many people to come." Hao Xingyue glanced at the theater stage and turned to Jing Ge.

"Maybe it's because it doesn't matter if you miss one day of the auction, but the drama only sings for one day. After one day, that person will retire." When Hao Xingyue spoke, his expression looked a little disappointed.

"Retire? Don't continue to sing?" Jing Ge doesn't know much about antiphonal dramas, but I always feel that people who take this path are not forced by life, but they should really like it.

No matter what the reason is, you should not retire at will when you are popular.

(End of this chapter)

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