Chapter 611 Toast
Hao Xingyue took Lang Ming's hand, walked up to congratulate Jing Ge.

Jing Ge hugged her, and Lang Ming squeezed in to hug her.

This scene aroused the sighs of many people below.

Hao Xingyue is pretty, and has a half-grown child in her hand. Everyone thinks she is the child's mother.

Seeing the three of them hugging each other now, some people couldn't help but make some very bold guesses.

Could it be that this is a family of three?
(Bai Yeling: The person who spoke stood up, and this deity promises that he will not leave the whole body for you.)
After getting what she wanted, Jing Ge was also very happy, but her face was very calm.

When it was time for dinner, someone came to report.

"Pharmacist, our Daoist invites the pharmacist to the front hall for a talk and have dinner together." Just as the disciple who sent the message finished speaking, Meng Feifei and the others stood up nervously.

They haven't completely forgotten how much their eldest grandson Lili hates them.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he dared to do something. If he had a meal, he didn't know if he would be able to come back.

"I know, you go down first."

After the disciple who sent the message left, Meng Feifei and the others immediately came over and surrounded Jing Ge.

"Master, why didn't you reject him just now? Who knows what kind of medicine Changsun Lili sells in the gourd. What if he joins the Taoist priest and wants to poison the master during dinner?"

Meng Feifei's worry is not unreasonable.

However, to poison her, they must have the ability.

"Don't worry, I'll go and see what they're trying to mess with." Jing Ge left this sentence, kissed the little fat claw that Lang Ming approached, and walked out.

She didn't go far, and saw the disciple who sent the message again.

It turned out that he was afraid that she would not know where the road was, so he deliberately waited outside, waiting to send her there.

When they arrived at the front hall, the disciple who sent the message brought Jing Ge in, then turned and left.

The dining table inside is surrounded by several people, the leader is the head of the Taoist priest, and the elders are on both sides.

There is no grandson Lili.

Jing Ge only glanced at it, and probably had a judgment in his heart.

The Taoist priest was clear in his heart, and he must know that the tricks that the eldest grandson Lili did in the assessment were just out of pampering and shielding mentality. He didn't directly mention it, and went down the steps to find a scapegoat for the eldest grandson Lili.

But now, there was no eldest grandson Lili at the table, which meant that the Taoist priest had something to discuss with her—or, in other words, the Taoist priest actually asked her for something.

Jing Ge walked over and sat down.

"Hello, Taoist priest, and hello to all the elders." There were many greetings that should be given.

His face was calm, his expression was unrestrained and generous, and he didn't have the slightest fear that would appear instinctively when meeting a strong man.

Such a performance has added a lot of points to the hearts of the elders and Taoist priests.

"Little brother, congratulations on obtaining the examination qualification of a senior pharmacist. You must know that in our Baiyun gymnasium for 30 years, there has not been a senior pharmacist. This success of the little brother adds color to our Baiyun gymnasium." A lot, adding a lot of color."

An elder who was fairly good-looking raised his glass to Jing Ge after speaking, "Come on, let me toast you."

Jing Ge picked up the wine glass, turned back, poured out the spirits in the quilt, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't drink, can you give me a cup of tea instead? Or boiled water is also fine."

After Jing Ge finished speaking, she pretended to be soft and didn't hold the cup properly.

"Click." A sound.

The cup hit the ground, fell to the ground, and fell apart, with small white pieces flying everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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