First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 612 She Was Chosen

Chapter 612 She Was Chosen
"Miss, that man poured the wine and the glass broke." The servant girl knelt in front of Changsun Lili, lowered her head and said, her voice was full of fear and fear.

I'm afraid that after the matter fails, the eldest grandson Lili will transfer his anger to her.



The eldest grandson Lili slapped the table in anger.

The expression on his face was very ugly.

" you want to continue?" The servant girl didn't dare to speak loudly, and she didn't even dare to look up at her eldest grandson Lili.

"Continue? Continue with your size. Do you think grandpa is stupid? Grandpa didn't stop him just now, he just wanted to take the opportunity to test Jing Bao'er's ability. After knowing how powerful he is, how could he still let me mess around."

After that bitch Jing Bao'er got her grandfather's favor, she couldn't do anything casually.


Soon, the Taoist priest ordered someone to refill Jing Ge with a cup of the first-class Yuqian Longjing.

"Wansheng replaces wine with tea, I hope the Taoist priest and you elders don't dislike it." Jing Ge handed out the tea and touched the cups with everyone.

A few small talk, a few sips of hot tea.

The kind-hearted elder quickly changed the topic to the main point.

"I don't know. Has Pharmacist heard about the first-class powerful country Fengyue?"

"Occasionally, I heard about it, but I don't know much about it. I only know the location of the headquarters of the Alchemist Alliance, which is located in Fengyue Kingdom."

"The Alliance of Alchemists decided to hold a medicine fighting competition this year. The top three in the competition will be eligible for admission to Tianlan College in the first continent of Kyushu——the Zhongzhou Continent. I wonder if pharmacists are interested in this?"

The reputation of Tianlan College is well known, and all the young monks above the Kyushu do not want to go in and learn a thing or two.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the other party with great interest: "Why me?"

Such a good thing, of course she was disrespectful.

Originally, she only planned to go to the third-level powerful country to assess the qualification certificate of the next master-level pharmacist, but the ready-made opportunity was in front of her, and it seemed a bit too silly not to accept it.

"To be honest, because you are the only senior pharmacist who has appeared in our Baiyun Gym assessment point for more than 30 years, and you are still so young, no matter whether you can obtain the admission qualification of Tianlan College in the end, your strength and youth , can bring a resounding reputation to our Baiyun gymnasium."

That said, they don't believe she'll make the top three, and don't hold out any hope, but she's their best bet.

There is no other way.

"Okay, I'll go." They were straightforward, and Jing Ge didn't intend to procrastinate.

After the decision was made, the table was settled.

After the eldest grandson Lili heard about this incident, he was so angry that he couldn't eat for three days. Not only that, he also had diarrhea for three days, and his face was covered with dense spots, which lasted for a long time before slowly disappearing.

In three days, Jing Ge and others had already descended from the Baiyun gymnasium and embarked on the road to Fengyue country.

"Fengyue Kingdom is far away from us, and it would take a long time to reach it if we rely solely on the speed of the flying horse, so this time, we don't use spirit beasts to travel, but a spaceship instead." Jing Geyang pointed to the front not far away. , where several large spaceships appeared.

The workmanship of each spaceship is very fine and beautiful, and the carvings on the hull are even more lifelike.

The spaceship is made by refiners and ordinary craftsmen, and it is the most popular of all transportation props.

However, because it takes aura to drive, the price of the ride is relatively expensive, and most people can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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