First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 614 Will It Be A Surprise

Chapter 614 Will It Be A Surprise

Although there are water system practitioners providing water for them to use on the spaceship, the resources are limited after all, and they can only take a bath every three days on average.

Jing Ge nodded: "Then go find it." She really wanted to find a place quickly and take a good bath.

Not being able to take a bath for a long time, only Lang Ming was the happiest.

Having settled on the inn, Jing Ge decided to find a hot spring to take a dip and relax.

For the convenience of movement, when she arrived at the inn, she changed back into her daughter's clothes. She was dressed in red, without any rouge on her face. She was still elegant and beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, and skin as firm as fat.

Walking on the street, the rate of turning heads is 100%.

After several people inquired about it, they found the location of the hot spring.

Langming threw it to Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie.

"You must wash him clean. If you don't wash him, you can figure it out."

"But master, what about Langming's tail and ears?" This is Fengyue Kingdom, a first-class powerful country with a lot of masters. If someone sees it, they will face the risk of being snatched away at any time.

"It's okay, I booked you a private room for an hour." After Jing Ge finished speaking, he and Hao Xingyue walked to the place where the women bathed on the other side.

Taking a bath in the bathing place, Jing Ge, who was soaking comfortably, did not know that at this moment, a person ran towards the Lin family's mansion like crazy.

The old man is the housekeeper of the Lin Mansion and has been in the Lin Mansion for many years.

This time I went out to buy medicine for the old man of the Lin family.

Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected surprises - will it be a surprise?

The old man's name was Lin Youcai. He looked very old, but he was quite agile when he ran.

He ran in hastily.

The gatekeeper thought something serious happened, so he hurried after him.

Lin Youcai rushed all the way into the door of the old man of the Lin family.

The old man had a heart attack again, he was lying on the bed, his face was exhausted, he looked like he was going to die soon.

"Master." As soon as Lin Youcai rushed in, he knelt down on the ground with a puff. Before he could speak, tears fell down.

"What's the matter? Who got angry with you? Tell me, the old man will vent your anger on you." Lin Youcai has served by the old man's side all his life, and the relationship between the two has already surpassed the blood relationship, and they have become like relatives.

"Master, this old slave is not angry, this old slave saw... saw..." He was afraid that Mr. Lin would be too excited, and his heart disease would worsen if he got too excited, so he said a few words and stopped again.

Kneeling and crawling over, tremblingly, he took out a bottle of medicine from his bosom and poured out a few pills: "Master, you should take some medicine first, otherwise this old slave really dare not say it."

Mr. Lin knew that the matter must be serious, otherwise he would not have been hesitating.

The old man opened his mouth and asked Lin Youcai to swallow the medicine with warm water.

"Master." Lin Youcai knelt down again, with an agitated expression, "Master, this slave just... just now saw a young woman who looks exactly like Missy, tell me... Tell me, could it be Missy's child looking for her?" came back?"

Tears kept streaming down Lin Youcai's face, with excitement and pain intertwined on his face.

"What did you say?" Mr. Lin suddenly jumped up from the bed.

Covering his heart, he took a big breath.

"Master, hold on, if it's really the young lady's child, you still want to see that child." Lin Youcai got up, supported old master Lin, and kept giving him comfort.

"Where's Lan Sheng? Come on, call me Lan Sheng." After a while, the old man finally calmed down and coughed while holding his heart.

"I'm going now, old slave." Lin Youcai ran out quickly.

 There are still five chapters, which will be updated before about eight o'clock in the afternoon, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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