First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 615 Searching for True and False

Chapter 615 Searching for True and False
Lin Lansheng heard Lin Youcai's call, quickly dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, and ran out from the training ground, his body was still sticky with sweat, and his steps were fast.

He knew that since his sister lost him, his father had suffered from heart disease and his health had been poor.

Recently, he has been very ill and has been bedridden for some time.

So what he was most afraid of was that Lin Youcai would suddenly come and call him urgently.

This will make him have bad associations.

Lin Lansheng is not very old, 27 or [-], unmarried, handsome, tall and mighty, very attractive to girls.

But he has never accepted any girl's advances, and he is as ascetic as a broken sleeve.

Lin Lansheng rushed into Mr. Lin's room in front of Lin Youcai, knelt down in front of the bed, held his father's hand, choked up and said, "Father, hold on, mother is gone, don't you have the heart to leave the child alone?" ?"

"Crack." Mr. Lin opened his eyes, heard his son's words, raised his hand and hit the back of his hand: "Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, are you cursing your father to die soon?"

"Baby is innocent." Seeing that he still had the strength to curse, Lin Lansheng let go of his hanging heart a little: "Father, why are you looking for Baby?"

Mr. Lin heard his question, but before he could speak, his eyes turned red first, and he was choked up and unable to speak.

Lin Lansheng looked anxious.

Seeing this situation, Lin Youcai stepped forward quickly, bowed to Mr. Lin and said, "Master, let this old slave talk about it."

"Uncle Lin, tell me quickly." Lin Youcai felt that there was a lot to be said about this matter, so he turned around and immediately urged Lin Youcai to speak up quickly.

"It's like this, the old slave went out to buy medicine for the master today, but he met a girl on the road, she looked exactly like... and Miss, the old slave suspected... suspected that the girl was Miss's child, come back... ... came back to look for us." Lin Youcai burst into tears at the end.

Mr. Lin on the bed also cried and his eyes turned red.

"Father, is this true? Sister, is it really still there?" For the first time, such an excited expression appeared on Lin Lansheng's face.

His sister was lost when he was out with his father when he was two years old. Because of this incident, his father felt guilty and uncomfortable all his life, and his heart disease also fell at that time.

After my sister was lost, my mother searched for it for several years but failed to find it. She was overly sad and sick, and passed away not long after.

Lin Lansheng still remembered some memories with her sister, she was a very gentle woman who treated him very well.

He often carries him to the street market to sell sugar cakes and candies to eat.

When they carried him out for the first time, both of them were young, they accidentally fell, and my sister broke her knee. The first thing she did when she got up was not to look at her knee, but to quickly pick him up and hold him in his arms. In her arms, she coaxed him with a milky voice, telling him not to cry.

"Lan Sheng, don't cry, don't cry, sister buys candy for Lan Sheng."

After more than [-] years, I don't know what his sister looks like now.

"Father can't move anymore, go and show him to see if Yun Sheng's child is back." Mr. Lin wiped the tears on his face with rough hands, crying uncontrollably.

The most beloved daughter back then was lost by him. No one suffered more than him. After all these years of living, he never gave up finding that child. This is the only reason he can persist in surviving.

"Father, don't worry, the child will go right away." Lin Lansheng saw that he started to cough violently again, and patted his back distressedly, giving him relief.

(End of this chapter)

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