First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 668 Confrontation 3

Chapter 668 Confrontation 3
Lu Xiaoxiao didn't expect that she was obviously thinking of him, but she couldn't get a word of protection from him.

"It's not me, it's not me..." Lu Xiaoxiao hugged her head and yelled, refusing to admit it.

"Even if you want to apologize, our Lin family will not accept it. Our Lin family will seek justice from the Xingyun faction." Lin Lansheng said coldly.

The powerful oppressive force released from his body made all the disciples of the Xingyun sect present feel that a mountain was pressing down on their heads.

"Plop, plop." Quan Quan knelt down.

Including Lu Xiaoxiao and Ye Yuecheng.

No one knew how strong Lin Lansheng was.

These people who knelt down lowered their heads in horror. Even though their knees were so painful that their bones were almost cracked at the moment they knelt down, no one dared to express their dissatisfaction.

This man is too powerful, too scary.

At the moment when they were oppressed by the aura released from Lin Lansheng just now, they seemed to have stepped into the gate of hell with one foot.

Jing Ge raised her eyebrows, and looked at her little uncle in surprise.

When the little uncle released the coercion just now, although he deliberately avoided innocent people, including her, she still felt the strong oppressive force through the fluctuations in the air.

Her uncle is very strong!
"Little Ge'er, don't be afraid, my little uncle will make the decision for you." Lin Lansheng said soothingly on her shoulder upstairs.

Bai Yeling's eyes narrowed slightly, Lin Lansheng's hand on Ge'er's shoulder stabbed Ge'er in the eye.

I was very angry.

But the other party is my uncle.

You can't fight with your uncle.

He kept hypnotizing and brainwashing himself in his heart, so as not to rush to fight his little uncle on impulse.

Then it's not worth the loss.

Night Breeze was the one who felt his emotional changes most directly. In a split second, the warmth in the Lord's eyes disappeared, replaced by a freezing cold.

Geez, that changes so fast.

"Little uncle, I'm fine." Jing Ge said.

"Old Yao, you Alchemist Alliance has to give our Lin family an explanation for this matter, don't think that our Lin family is easy to bully." Lin Lansheng continued to keep a cold face, and only when facing Ge'er, Only then will his cold face ease.

Dare to bully his niece, life is boring!
Yao Lao swallowed nervously in his heart, and thought to himself: Who's head was kicked by a donkey, dare to bully your Lin family, don't you want to live?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. It's all because of Lu Xiaoxiao. It's nothing to do. Even if she succeeds, with her poor grades, it's impossible for her to enter the top three... That's right!
It's impossible for Lu Xiaoxiao to be in the top three, so why did she deal with Ge'er?

Yao Lao frowned, and glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao, just in time to see Lu Xiaoxiao staring at Ye Yuecheng.

Ye Yuecheng, a former genius, has attracted much attention, but in this year's competition, Ge'er was suppressed twice——

In terms of motivation, only his motivation is the most obvious.

Yao Lao followed Lu Xiaoxiao's line of sight and looked at Ye Yuecheng, only to see that the latter acted calmly, as if what happened had nothing to do with him.

But is that really the case?
A seed of doubt was planted in Yao Lao's heart.

"Ye Yuecheng, did you participate in this matter?" Yao Lao asked directly.

Ye Yuecheng looked at Yao Lao in shock, pretending to be innocent, and said: "Yao Lao, you have to rely on evidence to speak, the younger generation respects you as a senior and one of the elders of the Alchemist Alliance, but you You shouldn’t be wronging the younger generation like this.”

(End of this chapter)

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