Chapter 669 Slap
Yao Lao was so angry at his words, although he believed that Ye Yuecheng had pushed the whole thing, but he refused to admit it, and he couldn't do anything about him.

"Lu Xiaoxiao, tell me, did you do this yourself, or was someone ordered you to do it?" After getting no answer from Ye Yuecheng, Yao Lao turned his attention to Lu Xiaoxiao.

I hope this stupid woman can confess Ye Yuecheng.

Lu Xiaoxiao took a deep look at Ye Yuecheng.

"You should think about it clearly. Once you take over this matter, you will be against the entire Lin family and the Alchemist Alliance. From now on, you will no longer be able to assess the level of Alchemist." Yao Lao was very angry, Blowing his beard and staring, he said harsh words.

"Xiaoxiao." Ye Yuecheng just wanted to speak.

Yao Lao blocked him loudly: "Shut up, I'm not asking you now, don't interrupt casually."

Lu Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip, looked at Ye Yuecheng, and received Ye Yuecheng's almost pleading gaze.

My heart softened.

Yao Lao's words echoed in her mind again: If you take over this matter, then you and... will no longer be able to assess the level of a pharmacist!
Yaoxian is Yeyuecheng's dream.

If she confessed Ye Yuecheng, his dream would be shattered, and he would even be devastated because of it.

No, she doesn't want to see Ye Yuecheng like that.

Ye Yuecheng should be a high and shining existence.

She did this voluntarily, and she couldn't put the responsibility on Ye Yuecheng.

She can't let Ye Yuecheng lose the opportunity to pursue her dream——

After weighing it, Lu Xiaoxiao made a decision in her heart.

Jing Ge was beside her, always paying attention to her expression and movement.

After Lu Xiaoxiao calmed down the confusion in her eyes, Jing Ge sighed in her heart and turned her gaze away.

She saw Lu Xiaoxiao's decision, and she didn't feel regretful or sympathetic.

A woman who is extremely stupid will never get lost without experiencing despair.

"I did this by myself. I am also a woman. I am jealous of her excellence, her brilliance, and the attention she has captured from too many people..."

In the end, Lu Xiaoxiao took all the responsibilities on her shoulders and completely removed Ye Yuecheng from this matter.

"Then what's going on with your cinnabar mole? Who is the man you're having an affair with?" Yao Lao asked unwillingly.

Knowing that Yeyue Achievement is the promoter behind the scenes, but there is no evidence to pull him out, which makes Yao Lao very angry.

"Of course I gave it to someone I like, and these are two things. The cinnabar mole is a matter of my personal style and has nothing to do with today's events. I will refuse to answer any questions about this matter. "Lu Xiaoxiao clenched her fists, her attitude gradually became cold and hard.

She thought she was paying for love.

I thought I was protecting my beloved.

I thought my sacrifice was deserved and worth it!
So she erected a hard shell, became cold and hard, and also became wise.

"Idiot." The cold words popped out of Ge'er's mouth.

Yao Lao glared at Lu Xiaoxiao angrily: "I'll give you another chance, you think it through before you speak, you know what will happen to the Xingyun faction that your father worked so hard to manage after you take over the matter?"

"It's my own poison. I'm jealous of Jing Ge. I don't like her well. It has nothing to do with others." Lu Xiaoxiao still refused to change her confession.


Suddenly, Jing Ge walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao, raised his hand and slapped her across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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