Chapter 670
Lu Xiaoxiao covered her face and stared at Jing Ge angrily.


Jing Ge slapped her backhand again, her thin lips parted lightly: "As a woman, I feel ashamed of you."

"Come here, take Lu Xiaoxiao down and imprison her. After the competition is over, I will take her to the Xingyun faction!" Yao Lao angrily dropped these words, and flung his sleeves away.

Soon someone came up and took Lu Xiaoxiao down.

After Jing Ge finished the beating, she shook her numb palm, walked back to Lin Lansheng, and said calmly, "Little uncle, did you come to see me today for something?"

"Well, come with little uncle, let's go to the side to talk."

Jing Ge followed Lin Lansheng and walked to a deserted place.

"Ge'er, what I said later may affect your mood in the competition, so my uncle will give you a choice, listen to it now, or listen to it after the competition?" Although Lin Lansheng was in the training ground, he said that He made a vow, but he was still worried about Ge'er's state in his heart.

So he left the choice to Ge er and let her decide when to hear the news.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is there any news about my younger brother?"

"Why are you so smart? Guess right!"

"Besides this incident, I can't think of anything else that can embarrass little uncle like this."

Lin Lansheng rubbed her head, sighed and said: "Sometimes you always give my little uncle a very mature feeling. Although my little uncle knows that you are young and mature, and your thinking is much more mature than your peers, but occasionally I hope you There will be a little innocence left, don't live so tense and tired."

"Little uncle, I don't feel tired, you should tell me the matter." Ge'er couldn't wait to know everything about her younger brother.

"The news is half good and half bad. The good news is that there is finally news about my younger brother, but the bad news is that my younger brother has fallen into the hands of the Black Panther of the Black Lotus Church. Bloody things can be done."

Lin Lansheng thought about whether to hide the black panther's habits. After all, Ge'er would only be more worried after knowing these things, but after thinking about it, Ge'er's tolerance may be stronger than he imagined.

Let her know about this, and be mentally prepared.

If you don't get it, you will suffer when you meet the black panther.

"Is there any whereabouts of the black panther?" Jing Ge narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Little uncle has already sent more people to search. I believe that the whereabouts of the black panther will be found soon. You should rest assured to prepare for the assessment for a while. When there is further news, little uncle will definitely inform you in time." Lin Lansheng said.

His little niece is only 14 years old, so she will bear such a heavy pain and responsibility too early.

The other girls are 14 years old and are still learning embroidery and painting, but his niece has to live a life of licking blood.

Perhaps it was because the distress in Lin Lansheng's eyes was too obvious, Jing Ge relaxed his tense nerves, and took the initiative to hug Lin Lansheng: "Little uncle, we will definitely find my brother back, won't we?"

"Of course, we will definitely get our brother back."

The air suddenly cooled down, and it didn't take long before it started to rain lightly.

In order not to delay the final day of the assessment competition, the ten elders dispatched four people to prop up a barrier to block the pattering rain, allowing the competition to proceed smoothly.

On the last day of the assessment, each candidate will randomly select questions.

(End of this chapter)

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