Chapter 678
"Is it enough?" Bai Yeling withdrew his hand reluctantly, the fingertips still had the warmth that made him nostalgic.

"Enough." Jing Ge counted more than twenty.

This thing is not like the Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, it is cheap and easy to buy, and you can have as much as you want.

This thing can only be dug in winter all year round, and it is born in extremely cold places, so the survival rate is not high.

Being able to get so much has greatly exceeded her expectations.

She originally thought that Qianniao Pavilion's reputation was just exaggerated and boasted, but when she saw it today, she realized that it was not in vain.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has the most varieties and quantities of elixir in Kyushu.

The two old men hiding not far away were apparently working, but their eyes and ears were actually paying attention to what was happening here.

Seeing Bai Yelinghao grabbing a handful of valuable goji ling grass roots without feeling distressed, he was so distressed that he almost bleed.

"You can buy one of those things for 1000 taels of gold, but the master actually gave away more than [-] at once, what a prodigal!" Mr. Li thumped his chest in distress.

"Why do I feel that the master is chasing the little girl? It's not the little girl you said is chasing the master." Fat old Zhang looked at it for a while and expressed his opinion.

"How is it possible? Our master loves flowers when everyone sees them. He wants to have a good figure and good looks. He wants money and is even richer than a country. Anyone who doesn't love is blind. Such an excellent master will need to chase people. Is it? This girl must have come after her." Mr. Li said with confidence.

"Then why don't we make a bet, if the master takes the initiative to chase someone, you can give me ten altars of your privately stored elixir wine."

Old man Li usually likes to have a few drinks. Apart from refining medicine and alchemy, his favorite thing is brewing wine.

He has developed an excellent wine-making ability. With the same recipe, the wine brewed by his hands has a particularly mellow taste.

So the old men in the medicine building like to blackmail him for drinking, but this old Li is a cheapskate.

If they want to drink, they can only dig their minds and get some wine from Mr. Li.

The most common of these is betting.

"Ten altars? Open your mouth like a lion, do you know how long I have to brew ten altars? At least half a year." Old Li blew his beard and stared at him angrily.

"If you are afraid of losing, just say it, why make excuses." Fat old Zhang knew that Li Lao couldn't bear the most provocative methods, so he deliberately used words to provoke him.


Mr. Li slapped the table with his palm, and raised his voice half a degree: "Just bet! If you say you lose, what should you do?"

"If I lose, I will listen to you for a year and be your puppy." Fat old Zhang also patted the table.

The movement of the two attracted the attention of the passing crowd, but no one knew what they were talking about, only that they started betting again.

Gambling is a common practice, so these people just glanced sideways, and then buried their heads and continued to work on their own work.

Jing Ge and Bai Yeling found all the spiritual herbs she needed.

"It's getting late, I have to go back." Jing Ge packed up everything and bid farewell to Bai Yeling.

"The cooks in Qianniao Pavilion are as skilled as the cooks in Juquande, do you want to stay for dinner?" Bai Yeling knew that she was a foodie, so he deliberately used the cook to seduce her.

After hearing this, Jing Ge subconsciously swallowed her saliva, but then thought of Meng Feifei, immediately shook her head and said: "No need, our Feifei's cooking skills are also very good, I'll go home and eat."

Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Our family Feifei?
It was so affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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