Chapter 679
Then I'll take you to the door. "Bai Yeling had already put the word Meng Feifei into the blacklist in his heart, but he remained calm as usual, and sent Ge'er to the door all the way.

After Jing Ge came out and said goodbye to him, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the guards at the door had changed, all eight of them had changed.

She was surprised for a while, then thought about it, maybe it just happened to change shifts.

At this time, seven of the eight people who were rushing to dig the spirit stones in the Xishan Lingmai began to besiege the one who talked the most.

"It's all your fault. If you didn't stop people from entering, would we be in such a miserable situation?"

"That's right, the sun in Xishan is so big, my delicate little skin is about to get tanned, blah blah..." A white and tender guy blew a few times, and the companion next to him raised his hand and knocked a chestnut.

"Aww." The bai nen guy hugged his head and rushed far away.

"I don't know that the master really has a sweetheart. You didn't believe it just now? If you believed it, why didn't anyone come out to stop me?"

Collective silence.

After a while, I don't know who said it first: "If this matter was left yesterday, I wouldn't believe that if Xiao Ba was killed, the master would fall in love with a woman."

Bai Nen Xiaoba, who lay innocently on the knife: "Hey, why did you kill me?"

After Jing Ge returned, he immediately began to refine medicine for Mr. Lin.

Three days later, the new medicine was ready.

Jing Ge took the refined new medicine and went to Mr. Lin's residence again.

"Grandpa, this is a new medicine that Ge'er made for you. After taking the previous medicine, you should take this new medicine instead." Jing Ge moved a small stool and sat in front of Mr. Lin's bed.

Lin Youcai came up, took the new medicine in her hand, and helped Mr. Lin to sit up by the way.

"Ge'er, do you want to go to Tianlan College?" Mr. Lin patted her hand gently: "You don't have to worry about grandpa and uncle, you are still young, you can pursue whatever you want, grandpa and uncle will definitely I will support you unconditionally."

"Grandpa, I haven't considered it yet." Although she really wanted to go, her brother's whereabouts were unknown and he was kidnapped by a pervert. She was always worried about his safety.

Before confirming her brother's safety and getting him back, she had no time to think about her own future.

"This matter can be carefully considered. The opportunity to enroll in Tianlan College is rare. If Ge'er is admitted to study in the hospital, it will be of great help to her future future." Mr. Lin was very conflicted in his heart. On the one hand, he was reluctant to part with her, on the other hand, I want her to experience it.

After all, he was too old to protect Ge'er for the rest of his life. Only by making Ge'er become stronger could he protect himself well.

"Grandpa, the school starts in September, it's still early, don't worry."

Lin Youcai walked out watching the time.

After a while.

He came in with a bowl of potion.

Jing Ge smelled the potion, turned around and saw the medicine bowl in his hand, stood up and took it, and said, "Grandpa Lin, let me feed Grandpa the medicine."

Hearing this, Lin Youcai gave up the medicine bowl.

After Jing Ge finished feeding the potion, Mr. Lin began to mention the things about Ge'er's mother, Lin Yunsheng, when she was a child, and Ge'er listened very carefully.

The grandfather and grandson talked very happily, and they had a lot of fun.

After chatting for about a stick of incense, Jing Ge saw that Mr. Lin looked a little tired, and said, "Grandpa, take a rest when you're tired, I'll go out for a walk."

After Jing Ge left.

Mr. Lin waved to Lin Youcai: "Youcai, come here."

"Old man, what's your order?"

(End of this chapter)

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