Chapter 701 Jealous

When Jing Ge came back to his senses, he realized that he had stared at the other party for a long time.

She scratched her face in embarrassment, walked around to the other side of the table and sat down.

"I went to Qianniao Pavilion last night." Since Bai Yeling had already thought up an excuse for her, he simply borrowed it: "Then it was too late, so I fell asleep over there."

"Oh." Chu Xiaojie and Meng Feifei didn't think much about it.

She believed what she said.

Pretty blind.

"Ge'er, hug Langming." Hearing her voice, Xiao Langming ran out of the room and rushed into her arms like a steel cannon.

Just wanted to climb into her arms like before.

He moved his nose a few times and smelled something different.

Lang Ming, who was very territorial, turned his head to reveal a cold and fierce face, bared his wolf teeth, and kept roaring at Bai Yeling.


He had never treated anyone so viciously before, but this time, he wished he could just jump over and bite Bai Yeling's neck off.

Jing Ge hugged Lang Ming tightly, feeling very puzzled.

Yu Peili's Qinglong said quietly: "That's because you have a very strong aura, and this aura belongs to the person next to you. In short, this little wolf cub is jealous."

Jing Ge: "..."

Following Xiao Qinglong's words, Jing Ge couldn't help replaying the clips from last night in her mind, replaying how she became unlike herself under his...

Then his face began to heat up quietly and became more rosy.

"Xiao Ge'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? Have you got a fever?" Chu Xiaojie came up with concern, and touched her forehead with his fat paw: "It seems to be very hot, do you want me to give it to you?" Are you looking for a doctor?"

"Are you stupid? Ge'er is a doctor, what doctor do you need?" Hao Xingyue came out in a fresh green dress, holding a fruit platter in her hand. It seemed that she had been tinkering around just now. This platter is over.

Hao Xingyue passed by Ge'er, she casually took a small tomato from the top and threw it into her mouth.

When he took another one to appease Lang Ming, he found that the little guy stopped barking suddenly.

She whimpered in her arms, her body still trembling slightly.

"What's going on here?"

Bai Yeling: "Perhaps it hurt my stomach."

Langming: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's because of his intimidation.

He was sad, but dared not speak out.

Qinglong: I can understand you, because this... this hall is also afraid of him.

Jing Ge hugged Lang Ming and sat down, gently pressed Lang Ming's stomach: "Does it hurt?"

Langming shook his head.

Checked all the way down all right.

After Jing Ge checked his body, he said puzzledly: "There is no major problem in all aspects of the body, but the heart rate is a bit high, and I feel like I have been frightened."

"Are you scared?" Hao Xingyue put down the fruit plate and walked over, and took Lang Ming from her arms: "Could it be because you didn't come back last night, and you were worried all night, and seeing you now, the suppressed kind of fear Feeling coming out?"

Langming: No, no, no, I was frightened by that person.

Jing Ge nodded: "It is possible."

Langming: ...

Hey, so wronged, but I dare not say it.

"Okay, be good, Ge'er is fine, don't worry." Hao Xingyue calmed Lang Ming's emotions with a very gentle voice.

Palms patted his back lightly.

Lang Ming grabbed her collar, buried his face on her shoulder, smelled the reassuring breath, and slowly fell asleep.

 Thanks to Ah Hua and Irish Coffee for their rewards, please compare your heart, (`)
  Thank you for the suggestion of Irish coffee, I will seriously consider it, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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