First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 702 You know what a shit

Chapter 702 You know what a shit

He was worried all night last night and barely slept, but now he felt relieved and fell asleep soon.

Jing Ge raised his hand and rubbed the hat on Lang Ming's head. The little guy smelled her breath, couldn't help but brought his face closer, rubbed his face lightly, didn't wake up, and slept more peacefully.

Bai Yeling narrowed his eyes.

My heart is actually madly jealous of a little furry child!

The next day, the training ground.

In the morning, Lin Lansheng sneaked glances at Jing Ge no less than ten times, and stared at each other four times, each time he hesitated to speak.

Finally, at lunch time, Jing Ge couldn't bear it anymore.

He took the initiative to ask: "Little uncle, do you have something to say to me?"

Lin Lansheng: "Little Geer, do you have a twin brother or younger brother?"

"No, what's the matter?" Jing Ge looked surprised.

"No?" Lin Lansheng continued in a tone almost talking to himself: "Then who was that person I saw in Yingchun Building yesterday? He really looks like you, except that he is a man. Are you female."

Jing Ge's ears are very good.

After listening to it, he knew what his little uncle had been struggling with all morning.

Probably because the little uncle also saw her in the Yingchun Building last night.

It's just that she didn't guess that she was him, and only thought that he saw a male version of her.

But she didn't know that she was disguised as a man.

Jing Ge deliberately pretended not to understand, and said, "Little uncle, you mean that you saw someone very similar to me in the Yingchun Building?"

"Yeah, it's really similar. I wanted to ask who the other party was, but after he entered the room with his friends, he didn't come out for a long time. I still had something to do, so I didn't continue to wait. Finally, I was busy. Finished, when I was going to look for that person, I found that the other person had already left." Lin Lansheng's tone was full of regret: "They really look alike, I really want you to meet that person too."

Jing Ge laughed and thought: Of course I know that they are very similar, after all, that person is me.

Lin Lansheng thought for a while, was a little skeptical, and felt that it was impossible, so he shook his head and walked away.

Jing Ge's physical skills are constantly improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just half a month, he has surpassed several old people in the martial arts training ground.

Li Gui thought it was amazing, how could someone improve so fast?
In the past few days, he often pays attention to Jing Ge's boxing methods, and sees that she spends most of her time practicing basic boxing techniques, obviously these basic boxing techniques are already very proficient.

But she still kept practicing and practicing.

"What are you looking at secretly, boy? Could it be that you have a crush on the little lady? Don't mess around, the little lady is definitely not someone you can control." Li Chen saw his younger brother Li Gui's eyes wandering to Jing Ge from time to time, afraid that his own The cousin will be at a disadvantage, so he directly pulls people to the corner and preaches.

"Brother, what are you thinking, I know myself."

"Then why are you staring at the little lady all the time? I know, I've been there, and I know that people of your age are the most impulsive."

"You know what a fart, I really didn't think much about it, I just think that the speed of progress of the young lady is a bit too fast? Don't you notice?" Li Gui crossed his arms and gave Li Chen a look.

"What you said seems to be true. There are nine levels of basic boxing. When our two brothers first came in, it took two months to practice the first level, but the young lady only used it for half a month. We have reached the sixth level of basic boxing."

(End of this chapter)

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