Chapter 712
It's just such an eight-character sign, and it can't be untied. How dare you take a place here?

The monk didn't know what Jing Ge was slandering in his heart, so he put his hands together and nodded his head at Jing Ge, "Amitabha."

After leaving the temple, Jing Ge still felt uncomfortable.

All the displeasure was shown on his face.

She thought that no matter what happened to Shangguan Yao, she should have a little discernment, let her go, and let her go back.

As a result, I came down from the mountain and went to the street.

Shangguanyao still took her to go shopping, from East Street to West Street, from West Street to North Street, to South Street—all the way until it was dark, and then brought a bunch of things back with her. Lin Fu.

When they got home, Jing Ge dropped all the things that belonged to Shangguan Yao to her.

Then, without waiting for her to speak, she said, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Hey, Ge'er, wait a minute, I have something for you." Shangguan Yao yelled from behind, trying to catch up.

Jing Ge ran fast, all the way back to the small courtyard where she lived.

Chu Xiaojie was loosening the soil for the herbs she had planted in the yard, when he looked up and saw her running back.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Ge'er, is there a ghost chasing you behind you?"

Jing Ge nodded: "It's not a ghost, a super scary female ghost." Or scarier than a ghost.

Chu Xiaojie didn't understand, so he glanced at her, then lowered his head and continued to loosen the soil.

"Ge'er, eat meat." Hearing her voice, Lang Ming ran out with a big chicken leg in his hand.

Smiling, his mouth was full of oil.

He took out the chicken leg and stood on tiptoe, trying to stuff the chicken leg into Jing Ge's mouth.

Jing Ge lowered his head and took a bite, then patted his head lightly: "Okay, Lang Ming eats by himself."

Seeing her take a bite, Lang Ming was so happy that his eyes rolled.

Then he hugged the chicken leg back, sat on the small stone beside him, and bit the chicken leg obediently.

He ate a huge chicken leg three or two times, including the bones.

Jing Ge: "..." Although it's not the first time I've seen Lang Ming eat, but every time I see him crunching, crunching and swallowing bones like sugar cane, I still feel very powerful.

As expected of a wolf cub, he has good teeth.

After Lang Ming finished eating, Hao Xingyue came out from the inside and took off the hat on his head, revealing his ears that were pressed softly by the hat.

Hao Xingyue wiped his hands with a towel, and after Lang Ming's hands were clean, he pinched his ears and made his soft ears stand up.

Then she threw herself into Jing Ge's arms happily.

"Ge'er, I want to eat candied haws." He no longer stutters when speaking now.

It's just that some very complicated thoughts still can't be expressed well.

"Want to eat candied haws? But it's a bit late today, can I take you out tomorrow?"

"En." Lang Ming nodded his head excitedly, his eyes were sparkling, and stars were twinkling.

Seeing his excited appearance, Jing Ge remembered that since she came to Fengyue City, she hadn't had time to take him out to play.

When Lang Ming's half-orc status remained unchanged for a day, she was worried about letting Lang Ming go out to play frequently.

Raising his hands and pinching the ears on Langming's head, he thought to himself: It is better to quickly find a way to restore Langming to a normal state.

Maybe grandpa and uncle know the answer.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes.

Knelt down and hugged Langming, then got up and left the small courtyard again.

The destination went straight to the residence of my uncle Lin Lansheng.

(End of this chapter)

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