First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 713 Whereabouts of Brother 1

Chapter 713 Whereabouts of Brother 1
"Little uncle, are you there? I need to find you." Jing Ge knocked on Lin Lansheng's door.

"Xiao Ge'er? Wait, come right away." There was a slight rustling sound of clothes being put on inside, and Lin Lansheng soon came out.

The door was opened.

Lin Lansheng stepped aside and let Jing Ge walk in, "Is there something to do to find my uncle so late?"

Jing Ge's face was a little dignified. After walking in, she watched her little uncle close the door, "Little uncle, there is something I want to ask you." This matter has been kept by her little uncle since she told her brother's whereabouts. The uncle avoided it on purpose. She wasn't sure if the little uncle would tell her the answer today, but she knew that she had to try.

"Ask." Lin Lansheng seemed to know what she wanted to know when she asked.

"My younger brother was taken away because of a half-orc. Is my mother a half-orc or my father a half-orc?" Jing Ge didn't make any preparations, and didn't beat around the bush. She just asked what she wanted the most. Know the problem.

"Alas." Lin Lansheng sighed, walked to the seat and sat down, poured two cups of tea, and glanced at her, "It's your mother, this is the biggest secret of our Lin family."

He knew that Xiao Ge'er would come to him to ask him sooner or later, and he was ready to tell her the secret as long as she came to ask.

"My mother is a half-orc? What about grandpa and grandma?" The birth of a half-orc will definitely involve the genes of one of the parents being an orc, or being a half-orc.

"It's your grandmother, that is, my mother. When I was young, my mother was a fox spirit beast. Because of thousands of years of cultivation, she had the ability to transform into humans. At that time, my mother was very beautiful and had countless suitors. In the end, it was my father who won my mother's heart. After marrying my mother back, I gave birth to my sister and me.

My elder sister inherited her mother's orc gene and became a half-orc. It's just a pity that my elder sister has no spiritual veins and cannot cultivate. A half-orc who cannot cultivate is very dangerous.But because the elder sister is a woman, if she combines with a half-orc woman, there is a high probability of giving birth to a half-orc child, and there is a great possibility of inheriting the strength of the first generation of beasts from generation to generation. "

Jing Ge looked at Lin Lansheng puzzled, wanted to ask a question, but wanted to continue listening.

"You also know that half-orcs have always been coveted by people, especially female half-orcs, who are more likely to be snatched away, or..." Lin Lansheng didn't say the following words.

But you can also guess from his performance.

What he wanted to say was that it was easy to be plundered, imprisoned, and raped until a new half-orc was born.

This is also why the Lin family wanted to hide this and make it a secret that cannot be revealed to the outside world.

"Little uncle, since grandma is an orc and mother is a half-orc, then our family knows that half-orcs who were tortured and transformed into human form before they reached maturity, how can we restore their human form?"

"It's actually not difficult to restore the human form. Find the side of the child's orc genetic inheritance, get a drop of blood from the other party, and use the blood to make alchemy, and you can restore it."

It sounds easy enough.

But where are they going to find Lang Ming's parents?

And it is not yet known whether Lang Ming's orc gene was inherited from his father or his mother.

After Jing Ge left Lin Lansheng's room, she still thought about it for a long time.

Until Zhang Yue came back with good news——

(End of this chapter)

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