First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 720 Black Volcano 4

Chapter 720 Black Volcano 4
Xuanyuan Che looked up at Lang Ming, then bumped Lin Lansheng who was standing next to him with his elbow, and asked curiously, "What is the identity of that kid? He doesn't look like an ordinary human being."

"That's a half-orc." Lin Lansheng didn't hide it either.

"This little guy, I can't tell. He looks quite clever. Most half-orcs have low IQs, but this kid looks smart."

"That's because our family teaches Ge'er well." Lin Lansheng said proudly.

Xuanyuan made a sharp cut and looked away.

"Wow." Langming on the branch, like a wolf, raised his head to the sky and let out a long wolf howl.

"Boom." The footsteps of another group of strange beasts sounded.

Gathering from all directions, these strange beasts uttered the cry of wolves.

Jing Ge raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lang Ming standing on the branch, "It was Lang Ming who called the pack of wolves."

The pack of wolves ran over noisily, making more noise than the pack of beasts in front of them.

A certain man who commanded the herd of beasts soon found that the herd of beasts he commanded had stopped moving.

They all stopped, their limbs scratching the ground uneasily, and the whole herd was filled with unease.

"What's going on?" A girl on the tree, hanging upside down from the trunk, asked the boy sitting on the back of the beast.

A man and a woman have exactly the same face, so delicate.

"There is something they are afraid of in front of them." The boy said.

He gently kneaded the neck of the beast under his buttocks, lowered his head and lay on the beast, communicating with the beast in the language of the beast.

After a long time, he raised his head and said to the girl on the tree: "A pack of wolves has gathered ahead, and they are Gale wolves, which happen to be the natural enemies of our babies."

"Isn't it impossible to fight?" The girl hooked her feet on the branch, turned 180 degrees forcefully, and stood on the branch again, her tone full of regret.

She glanced into the distance, then looked away, looked at the boy under the tree and continued: "Why don't you take them back, I'll go ahead and have a look."

The young man thought for a while, rubbed the beast's back a few times, said a few words to the beast, and then stood firmly on the ground, "I'll go with you, lest you cause trouble again later."

"Fart, you are the one who likes to make trouble." The girl glared at him.

"Really? I think I'm just doing it for you." The boy said, "And you should call me brother."

"Go away, you are 5 minutes older than my mother, and I want my mother to call you brother, but my mother has not blamed you for having a big head and blocking my birth."

Boy: "...If my mother knew what you said, she would probably crawl out of the grave in anger."

The girl snorted, no longer cared about the boy on the ground, and quickly flew in the front direction.

The two approached the location of Jing Ge and the others one by one.

The young man whispered: "It seems that there are not many people, what are they here for?"

The girl snorted: "Who knows, anyway, the master wants us to 'entertain' them well."

The young man scanned the crowd, and his eyes finally fell on Jing Ge, Hao Xingyue, and Shangguan Yao, and said, "Which of the three women is the fate of the Queen of Phoenix that the fortune teller said, and the one who has the fate of being the overlord of the world?" woman?"

"I don't know, do you want to bet and try?"

"What are you gambling?"

"If you lose, run around naked in the woods three times." The girl said.

(End of this chapter)

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