Chapter 721
"Then what if you lose?" the boy said not to be outdone.

"I lost, and I will call you brother from now on." The girl said.

"Tch, I was your brother."

"It's only 5 minutes."

"That's your brother too."

"Stop talking nonsense, bet or not?" The girl raised her beautiful eyebrows.

The young man curled his lips and said, "Just bet, bet, whoever is afraid of whom."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to choose first." The girl said in a low voice, pulling the leaves that blocked her view.

"No, men have to yield to women, you choose first."

"Okay, I'll choose your girl who rides the horse in the middle." The girl made a choice crisply.

"The girl in the middle?" The boy glanced in the direction indicated by the girl, and laughed softly: "I said, sister, brother will be very embarrassed if you let me like this."

"Don't you think she is?" The girl gave the boy a blank look: "I'm not telling you, that girl is definitely the woman who is destined to be the queen of the Phoenix in the mouth of the fortune-teller, and has the destiny to be the hegemon of the world."

"Just her small body? Are you kidding me? The woman next to her who looks a bit deserted is not bad. She is quite thin, but her breasts are unexpectedly very good. The leader is lucky now."

"Aside from seeing women's breasts, can you men look at other places?" The girl's tone was full of disgust.

"Yes, we actually mainly look at the face." The boy said.

Girl: "..."

While the two were talking, three silver needles pierced their faces.

The silver needle glowed white.

The girl's reaction speed was faster than the boy's. She raised her hand and pushed the boy's chest. The boy was caught off guard and fell from the tree, hitting the ground like a bastard.

"Ouch, my ass."

The girl avoids the silver needle, but the silver needle falls through the leaves and disappears.

The girl jumped from the tree.

Jing Ge also arrived on horseback, got off the horse, and looked at the twins lying on the ground crying in front of him and the other standing proudly.

"Are these twins? They really look alike." Chu Xiaojie slowly jumped down from the tree.

"Who are you?" Jing Ge looked at the two with a cold face.

The young man patted his buttocks and stood up, smiling and said, "Naturally he is a blocker."

Jing Ge: "Oh, so you are from the Beastman Kingdom?"

"Is it? Or is it not? Guess." The boy approached Jing Ge with a smile, and after taking a good look at Jing Ge, he turned his head and wailed at the girl: "Oh, can I still change the bet just now? She is the last one. good-looking."

The girl said coldly: "No."

The boy pursed his lips, walked back, and stood beside the girl.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, judging a lot of information from the young man's words.

For example, they were from the Beastman Kingdom, or they were ordered to block their way, and they just made a bet with them.

As for what the bet is, it is temporarily unknown.

"Blocking the way?" Jing Ge raised one corner of his mouth and smiled, "Just you two? Need me to help you count how many people are behind me, and how many Gale Wolves are there?"

Boy: "This..."

He turned his head to the girl and muttered in a low voice: "It seems to be true, why don't we retreat first, there are still people behind anyway."

The girl glared at him, "Worthless."

Boy: "This is not called a coward, this is called a person who knows current affairs. I am a hero."

Girl: "..."

Jing Ge: "..."

Everyone behind him: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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