First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 724 Barbecue Made by Myself

Chapter 724 Barbecue Made by Myself
Shangguan Yao walked up to Jing Ge's side and saw a few bright red wild fruits in Jing Ge's pocket, she took them and ate them without asking, "Ge'er, what kind of fruit is this? Why is it so delicious. "

"Red plums."

"It's delicious." Shangguan Yao ate one, took three in her hand, felt that it was not enough, took four with the other hand, and almost took all the bright red fruits in Jing Ge's pocket Then he said with satisfaction: "I've never eaten such delicious red plums before."

Jing Ge suppressed his anger, "Due to the climate problem in Fengyue Kingdom, this fruit cannot be grown."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, but it's really delicious, where did you pick it? Are there any more?" Shangguan Yao said to Chu Xiaojie and Meng Feifei who were beside Jing Ge: "Hey, you two, go Pick more red plums for me."

It was as if he treated Chu Xiaojie and Meng Feifei as servants.

Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie didn't move, they glanced at Jing Ge.

Jing Ge handed the three red plums left in her pocket to Lang Ming, and said coldly, "There are none nearby, they've already been picked, you can pick them yourself if you want to eat."

Shangguan Yao didn't expect that she would treat her so coldly for the sake of her two subordinates, she was a little unhappy, but she endured it for a while, then smiled and approached Jing Ge: "Ge'er, are you unhappy? Yes Because my cousin asked these two people to pick wild fruits just now? Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that these two people are so important to you, but even a weak woman like me dare not pick wild fruits. They look very powerful ...Don't be angry, okay, at worst, I'll go by myself next time."

Jing Ge frowned, and once again felt that bringing Shangguan Yao over was the worst decision she had ever made recently.

"Little uncle, are you cooking barbecue tonight?" Jing Ge really didn't want to listen to Shangguan Yao's pressure, walked up to Lin Lansheng, and started worrying about dinner.

Lin Lansheng just wanted to say that it would be good to leave such trivial matters to the guards.

Then seeing Jing Ge's unhappy and tense little face, and seeing Shangguan Yao chasing after him, he immediately understood.

Taking over her words: "Want to eat? My little uncle will cook a small stove for you alone tonight, and make it for you to eat."

Xuanyuanche at the side heard the words, jumped up, ran to Lin Lansheng, raised his hand on the shoulder of the host Lin Lansheng and said: "Lin, you can't be partial, I want to eat the barbecue you made by yourself."

"Shut up, it's not for you." Lin Lansheng's shoulders slumped, shaking off Xuanyuanche's claws on his shoulders.

Xuanyuanche still wanted to put his paws up, but he gave him a hard look and shrank back.

After eating and drinking, the group of people rested for a while before deciding to continue on their way.

Black Volcano is a continuous mountain range with complex and rugged terrain and changeable weather.

Sometimes, when you are on this mountain, it is a mild spring, and the next mountain enters a bitter winter, which makes people shiver.

Fortunately, they are all cultivators, and their bodies are very resistant to temperature differences.

Except for Shangguan Yao who cried coquettishly from time to time, the rest of the people were on their way normally.

"This place is too cold, I can still see the green hill behind me even when I turn around, but it's snowing here." Chu Xiaojie muttered.

As soon as he said this, the originally quiet team became lively one after another, and everyone began to complain about the damn changeable weather.

(End of this chapter)

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