First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 725 The 2nd Sickness

Chapter 725
Although their bodies are highly adaptable to temperature differences, it doesn't mean they won't be afraid of the cold.

When stepping on the snow with a deep foot and a shallow foot, it was still so cold that I was embarrassed.

Li Chen started cursing: "It's really cold in this damn place, my chicken is going to be frozen to death."

As soon as the vulgar words were spoken, a big snowball hit him head-on, and part of Bai Xue slipped directly into his mouth, almost choking his esophagus.

"Cough cough cough..." Li Chen pinched his neck and coughed painfully.

Just when he was about to stand up and scold, it was the bastard who dared to sneak up on Grandpa when he saw Lin Lansheng with an indifferent face.

"Li Chen, you bastard, my niece is still here, if you dare to give me a dirty accent, I will kill you and bury you in the snow."

Li Chen swallowed his saliva, hid behind Li Gui, only dared to show half of his head, and said timidly: "Boss, I know I was wrong, so let's not make an example."

Lin Lansheng was still puzzled, and threw a few more snowballs over.

Li Chen didn't dare to hide, he just caught a few snowballs with his face.

"Hehe, it's really lively." The sudden unfamiliar voice interrupted Lin Lansheng's action of smashing the snowball.

Around the group of people, a group of people gathered. These people either had ears or tails of strange beasts on their bodies, and some of them even retained the shape of strange beasts in their limbs.

This group of people were like monkeys, yelling in unison, standing on trees all around, surrounding Jing Ge and others.

"Odd, Shuang, the bet you mentioned just now is betting on that beauty?" The leading man has dazzling red hair and wears a beautiful nose ring on his nose. His mouth and nails are black. It looks like someone who is poisoned.

As soon as he finished speaking, identical twins appeared behind him.

These two were the twins they saw when they first went up the mountain.

Single and double should be their names.

It's just that the name is too casual.

"I bet on the woman with the biggest breasts, and Shuang'er bet on the one with the smallest stature." The boy jumped to the side of the red-haired man, pointing to Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue on horseback.

"Then I'll win if I bet on both. That woman seems to have the strongest aura."

"It's also the most beautiful." Shan sighed regretfully.

He wanted to change his bet, but Shuang didn't give him a chance.

"Haha, it's okay. When you run naked, I will ask Cai Wen to come out. Doesn't he like drawing the most? Then I will ask him to draw the picture of you running naked."

"Brother Li, you are going too far." The boy pouted.

"You two... Be quiet, don't forget our mission." The girl glared at them, and finally calmed down the two actors.

Jing Ge got off the horse and looked at the girl, "I want to see your leader."

Straightforward and straight to the point.

"Want to meet our leader? Is our leader so easy to meet?" Dali crossed his arms, jumped down from the tree, and walked straight to Jing Ge.

"Tell me your conditions." Jing Ge met Dali's eyes fearlessly.

"Conditions." Vigorously prolonging the ending, he bent down and approached Jing Ge's face, and said, "I wonder if you've heard a sentence before?"


"I planted this tree, and I drove this road. If you want to pass by, you must first defeat me." Dali showed his thick arms, and then pointed at himself, his actions were full of provocation.

Jing Ge: "..." I'm afraid this child is not a second-year-old child.

(End of this chapter)

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