First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 726 Just Asking You Are You Afraid

Chapter 726 Just Asking You Are You Afraid

"Beat you, right?" Jing Ge gave him a look like a fool.

"Yes, I just want to ask you if you are afraid?" He patted his very thick and strong arm muscles vigorously.

"Scared, super scared." Jing Ge said scared, but with a smile on her face, she turned her head and said to Meng Feifei behind her: "Feifei, this person is entrusted to you. abuse."

Meng Feifei came up, holding the handle of the hatchet with both hands behind his back, his eyes revealed a firm determination, "Okay."

As soon as he took out the hatchet, a group of people burst into laughter.

Especially Dali's laughter was the loudest, and tears were about to burst into tears, "Hey, go, what kind of crap is this? Take two broken hatchets against grandpa? Where did you come from? Why are you so poor? Do you want Grandpa to give you two weapons?"

Facing his questioning and belittling, Meng Feifei's expression didn't change at all, and he stared at Dali intently.

Dali talked to himself for a while, but found that Meng Feifei didn't pay attention to him at all, felt bored, and stopped talking.

"Come on." Meng Feifei waved the machete in his hand, held out his right foot, and was ready to attack.

He vigorously and confidently shook the whip behind him, spread his hands, and hooked his fingers at Meng Feifei provocatively.

"Grandpa asked..." You make the move first!
Before Dali finished his words, Meng Feifei flew close, and the rusty-looking hatchet was chopped down from in front of him.

"Shut up." He tore a hole in his clothes.

Dali's chest was cool, and snowflakes wrapped in cold air kept pouring in towards this opening.

He shivered from the cold.

"You still have two brushes, look at the trick." He pulled his clothes vigorously, inserted the clothes into his trousers, pulled out a soft whip, and started to fight Meng Feifei.

The weapons they are good at are different, one is weapon props, the other is soft whip.

The powerful soft whip has a long range and is flexible. Meng Feifei's figure is flexible, swinging two chopping knives, he can even dodge the strong whip with ease.

"Dali, can you do it? You've spent half a stick of incense, and you can't even touch someone's hair." The young man had already climbed up a tree at some point, looking for a best place to watch it. Dangling one leg, watching Dali being swiped around by the boy wielding a hatchet.

That kid seemed to be average in skill, but his movements were weird and flexible, making it difficult for people to catch his shot path, so that he frequently hit the air with great force.

"We lost vigorously." The girl standing next to the boy suddenly said.

"Ah?" The boy was obviously taken aback, and turned to look at the girl.

The next moment, as the girl said, Dali was suppressed by Meng Feifei on the ground, and the hatchet in his hand was also on Dali's neck.

There was an uproar all around.

Hearing the sound, the young man turned his head back, his eyes widened in surprise: "Crap, no way, Dali really lost? I can't believe it."

"What can't be believed, Dali has been underestimating the enemy. Once this guy underestimates the enemy, he will not be able to display his strength at all. And the kid on the other side, have you seen that when fighting, the degree of concentration in his eyes is not the same as his. When fighting, it's completely different.

Faced with such a focused person, he still dared to lose his mind, and he deserved to die vigorously. "

Boy: "..." Is it really okay to curse your teammates like this?

Let's hold a two-second silence for Dali.

This poor guy, it seems that he can't be his brother-in-law in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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