Chapter 737 Disgusted
Lin Lansheng gritted his teeth: "Wait another two days. If no one comes down after two days, we will go straight up and kill them."

Two days later, it happened to be the time for Zhang Yue and them to gather.

Zhang Yue brought a lot of people with him, and he dispatched the black volcano, and tracked the tiger and leopard for a long time, there should be more important clues on him.

Xuanyuan Che was beside him, pinched his shoulders, and whispered: "Relax, those children are all human beings, and it's not so easy to suffer."

Li Chen passed by and heard this, and said in his heart: No, especially the young lady, who would dare to provoke her?Looking at the small and exquisite people, no one is an opponent when they play tricks.

He accidentally offended the little lady last time, and ended up with diarrhea for three days. The point is that he didn't even see when the little lady put medicine in his food.

From then on, he no longer dared to offend the little lady, and would rather offend the boss than the little lady.

Can't be bothered.

After Jing Ge went back, she went to Hao Xingyue's room.

When she entered, Hao Xingyue was sitting on the bed, seemingly in a daze.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" She walked in, put Lang Ming down, and held his hand instead.

"I feel much better. Have you seen the leader? Did you find out the whereabouts of the tiger and leopard?" Hao Xingyue knew the purpose of Jing Ge's trip, and also knew that she went to the leader this time to ask about her younger brother's whereabouts.

It's just that Hao Xingyue still doesn't know that the leader they are talking about is actually the man who raped her frivolously last night.

"It's fine. The leader said that the tigers and leopards were not allowed to go up the mountain, but I don't think it's possible." Jing Ge sat down beside the bed, and Lang Ming also lay down on the bed: "The Black Volcano is the domain of orcs and half-orcs. Knowing that he dared to bring his brother here, there must be a reason, but for this reason, Jun Jiuxin is not going to tell me."

But sooner or later she would pry the answer out of his mouth.

Compared with patience, Jing Ge won't lose to anyone.

Hao Xingyue made a gesture and wanted to hug Lang Ming as usual, but when she stretched out her hand, Lang Ming directly refused her embrace, and then pouted his buttocks and slipped into Jing Ge's arms.

It has been a long time since she was disgusted by Lang Ming.

Suddenly being left out in the cold, Hao Xingyue felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Jing Ge also didn't understand why she wasn't hugged today when she was fine yesterday.

It is difficult for Lang Ming to get intimate with someone, but once he accepts the other person, he will not refuse the other person's embrace.

Today, however, his reaction has been very strange.

From the inexplicable hostility towards Jun Jiuxin at the beginning, to the resistance to Hao Xingyue's embrace now, she always felt that there was some connection between the two.

Jing Ge rubbed the ears on Lang Ming's head, saw Hao Xingyue's uncomfortable expression, and said a few words of comfort: "Don't be too sad, he may just be uncomfortable, I took him to practice in the forest yesterday, and accidentally spoiled it." Stomach, it should be fine in a few days."

Hao Xingyue looked away and nodded.

A few days later, Lang Ming really hugged Hao Xingyue again.

They thought that Lang Ming was really unwilling to give Hao Xingyue a hug because he was not feeling well, but now that he was healthy, they accepted Hao Xingyue's embrace again.

But in fact, it was only because Hao Xingyue's aura belonging to Jun Jiuxin gradually faded and disappeared in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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