First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 738 People from the Black Lotus Church

Chapter 738 People from the Black Lotus Church
Langming's hostility towards Jun Jiuxin was almost innate, and he wanted to bite him every time he saw him.

The little guy's hostility towards Jun Jiuxin is too obvious.

Once or twice, Jing Ge could still treat it as an accident, but the third time, she couldn't help but care about it.

After the fourth time, every time she went to find Jun Jiuxin, she no longer brought Lang Ming with her.

She asked Hao Xingyue to take care of Lang Ming, and went to negotiate with Jun Jiuxin by herself.

She didn't believe that the tiger and leopard didn't go up the mountain, but Jun Jiuxin refused to say, so she could only continue to exercise patience with each other, and see who would die first in the end.

"Are you here again? Is it over? I told you that no one went up the mountain, what else do you want?" Jun Jiuxin scratched his head irritably.

For three consecutive days, there was no drop in a day.

He should really admire her patience.

"Until the leader tells the whereabouts of the tiger and leopard, I will not give up." Jing Ge said.

Although she didn't get the whereabouts of the tiger and leopard for three days, she still acted calmly, and she didn't make a scene like a shrew. When the time came, she came to block Jun Jiuxin, and then asked the question she asked before. The problem repeats over and over again.

Jun Jiuxin actually looked at this woman with admiration.

Not for anything else, just for the calmness and fearlessness radiating from her.

Few people, when facing him, can speak so calmly.

Especially when he was angry and angry, almost no one dared to stand in front of him and speak, but this woman was different.

Hold your breath.

If it wasn't for the conflict of interests between them, he wouldn't mind making friends with such a woman.

"Why do you want to know the whereabouts of the tiger and leopard?" Jun Jiuxin suddenly asked after looking at Jing Ge again.

"He took something very important from me and I had to get it back."

Jun Jiuxin found that when she said this, the breath on her body suddenly changed, as if it became sharper.

He had no doubt that if the tiger and leopard were present at this moment, this woman would be able to swallow the tiger and leopard alive.

"I didn't lie to you, the tiger and leopard are indeed not on the mountain, but we captured a man who was traveling with the tiger and leopard, and we locked him up on the back mountain." Jun Jiuxin finally let go.

After these few days of observation, he can be sure that the woman in front of him is friendless and invincible.

Jing Ge kept staring into his eyes, trying to see the truth of this matter from his eyes.Jun Jiuxin didn't tell a lie—couldn't the tiger and leopard really be on the mountain?What about her brother?
Jing Ge's eyebrows turned cold instantly.

"I need to meet that person." Jing Ge no longer pretended to be himself, and directly put away the gentle smile on his face, revealing an indifferent face.

Jun Jiuxin was surprised at the speed of the woman in front of him, and said, "Come with me."

The two went around to the back mountain and came to the place where the man was being held.

It was a tall, thin man who looked harmless and even a bit refined, but that didn't change the fact that he was a member of the Black Lotus Church.

People in the Black Lotus Church do not recognize their relatives and do things as they please.

And even though the man in front of him looks harmless, the chip inside is definitely not good.

The man was chained to one leg, and the distance he moved was only a three-meter radius from the stone wall.

I don't know how many days he was imprisoned. Although this and that person's body was a little messy, his eyes were still bright, as if he didn't care about his current situation, and he didn't worry that he would be cold at any time.

He seemed to be enjoying his time in captivity.

(End of this chapter)

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