Chapter 739

Realizing this, Jing Ge frowned... Does this seem like a pervert?She can't think of a better adjective to describe someone who can't help but enjoy the process of being imprisoned, other than perverted.

Jun Jiuxin didn't expect such a weird person to appear in the world. He thought that keeping people alive and punishing them would slowly wear down the will to live.

But the result turned out to be a pervert.

Only in a ghost place like the Black Lotus Church can such perverted and strange things come out.

Jun Jiuxin curled his lips in disgust.

But at this time, Jing Ge walked up to the man. The man saw Jing Ge and moved a little. The iron chain on his feet shook, making a clanging sound. The echo was particularly obvious in this and the empty cave.

"Finally, someone is here. How do you plan to punish me today? Threats or needles? Or what new tricks have you developed?" The man's tone seemed to have great expectations for the next punishment. Not the slightest fear.

He is enjoying it all.

Only perverts can enjoy these tortures!

The corners of Jing Ge's mouth twitched, she walked over, and took a look at the man, "What's your name?"

"Gu Shijue." Gu Shijue stared at Jing Ge for a while: "Should I replace you today? What kind of tricks can you do with my little arms and legs?"

In her life, Jing Ge hated people saying she was small—what happened to her flat chest?How can the chest be flattened if the chest is not flat?Didn't the fortune teller say that she will be the one who will bring peace to the world in the future?Then she has a flat chest for a reason.

Flat chest is great, it saves fabric, it won’t dangle when running, it’s easy to walk, and you don’t have to worry about it being worn out when you put on clothes. How great, no wonder!
Wait a few more years, let you see my devil figure!
When the time comes, I won’t be able to kill you.

Gu Shijue dragged the iron chain under his feet, walked to a nearby stone and sat down, waved to Jing Ge, and motioned: "Sit down, you're welcome."

Jing Ge: "..." Do you really regard this cave as your home?
Jun Jiuxin: "..." I seem to be the master of this cave, right?
Gu Shijue didn't take the performance of the two of them seriously at all, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to say, even if you want to ask, you won't be able to ask any useful information."

"What's the relationship between you and the tiger and leopard?" Jing Ge narrowed her eyes, she couldn't easily believe that this man really didn't know.

Hubao has been to the Black Volcano, let alone whether he went up the mountain or not, but the man in front of him definitely knows something inside.

"We can be regarded as friends, benefit friends." Gu Shijue smiled, his tone was very relaxed.

Even in the face of Jun Jiuxin, the king of the beast world, this person still looks very relaxed.

There seems to be no pressure.

Also fearless.

"Is the tiger and leopard with a little boy who is about one year old?"

"Bring it, a very good-looking little boy, about one year old, a very poor child, I don't know if he is still alive now."


Gu Shijue's words angered Jing Ge, Jing Ge rushed over, grabbed him by the neck, and said in a cold voice, "You'd better pray that the child is okay, otherwise I will definitely pull everyone from Black Lotus Church down!" hell."

"Cough cough cough..." The man coughed a few times, and when he met Jing Ge, he was still smiling: "So cruel, let me guess, is that child your child? look young, The chest is also small, not like someone who has given birth to a child, um, is it your younger brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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