Chapter 751
Lin Lansheng and others finally found the cave.

A group of people assembled in a mighty way, and rushed to the cave location before the sky and darkness shrouded it.

The space in the cave is not very large, but at least it is much better than nothing.

Big enough to squeeze them all in.

It's just that it's not convenient to sleep, but in such a damn cold weather, no one dares to sleep casually, for fear that if they accidentally fall asleep, they won't be able to wake up.

They didn't dare to light more torches, for fear that they would deprive too much oxygen and cause oxygen deprivation for the people in the cave.

After all, there is not much space and there are many people.

"Li Chen, Li Gui, count the number of people and make sure that all the servants are here." Lin Lansheng glanced outside the cave, no one had come in.

He asked the Li Chen brothers to start counting the number of people.

I hope no one will be left alone.

If this kind of extremely bad weather accidentally falls outside, there is only one dead end.

Hearing this, Li Chen grabbed Li Gui and started counting the number of people separately.

Lin Lansheng walked to Xuanyuanche's side.

The weather is about to enter the coldest moment, and the temperature adjustment method is urgent.

Now some people have even fallen into a stiff stage, their faces are livid with cold, they can hardly stand still, and they need the support of their companions.

"Pay attention to the people around you. Don't let them fall asleep. If you fall asleep in such a damn place and in such a damn cold weather, I promise you won't see the sun tomorrow."

This is not a joke. In the state of being frozen to sleep, people can easily pass through the cold directly, and there is no chance of waking up.

Although Lin Lansheng's words were not pleasant, they were for their own good.

As for the people present, whether it was his people or the people brought by Xuanyuanche, they didn't complain at all, and they worked together to take care of the companions who were in poor health.

"Let's start." Lin Lansheng said to Xuanyuan Che.

Time is running out.

If it doesn't start, someone will become an ice sculpture.

"En." Xuanyuan Che sat down on the spot.

Seeing this, Lin Lansheng suddenly came out with a pile of hay from the haystack in the corner, and was still beside Xuanyuan Che, "Sit here, the ground is cold."

"Little Linlin, you are so kind to others, they want to promise you with your body."

Lin Lansheng: "Shut up, if your mother says such nonsense, I will kill you right now."

Xuanyuan Che: "..." How fierce!
Xuanyuanche shut up obediently, sat on the dry grass, closed his eyes, and started to cast the formation, with Lin Lansheng waiting by his side the whole time.

In case something goes wrong.

After a while.

It should be Xuanyuanche's formation that succeeded.

The originally icy cave suddenly became warmer.

Those who were drowsy from the cold gradually came to their senses and touched their frozen faces, "Why does my face hurt so much?"

Companion beside: "...Maybe it's too cold, it hurts from the cold."

The person who spoke happened to be relatively close to Lin Lansheng, and he saw the bright red slap marks on the face of the person who touched his face - it was not hurt from the cold, it was obviously swollen from being beaten by his companions.

However, that companion also slapped his face desperately for his own good, so that he barely fell asleep.

Lin Lansheng didn't speak, his attention was now on Xuanyuanche.

The execution of this formation requires a lot of spiritual energy, and the formation is only at the beginning, and he has already noticed that Xuanyuanche's forehead is beginning to sweat.

The night is still long.

I don't know if Xuanyuan Che can last until dawn, and when will he last?
(End of this chapter)

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