Chapter 752

Jing Ge returned to the residence and was about to fall asleep when Hao Xingyue knocked on the door and walked in.

She seemed hesitant to speak.

Jing Ge didn't urge her to speak, but just sat quietly by the bed, waiting for her to speak.

"Ge'er, do you have some medicine that can trick people? It won't hurt people's body, but it can make them suffer some punishment?"

As soon as her voice fell, Jing Ge walked to the edge of the table and began to dig things out on the table: "Laxatives, itching powder, horror liquid medicine, toothache medicine, no pills..."

Seeing that there were more and more tricky medicines on the table, Hao Xingyue quickly interrupted Jing Ge's continuation, swallowed and said, "Ge'er, this toothache medicine..." It's too scary.

Anyone who has experienced toothache knows that although toothache is not considered a disease, it can be fatal.

It is difficult to eat well and sleep well, and it is not easy to cure.

"Well, I invented it when I was free. You can take it if you want." She didn't ask what Xingyue was going to use the medicine for.

Everyone should have their own privacy, if Xingyue doesn't want to talk about it, she won't ask.

"Thank you, I took this away." Xingyue's hand fell on the toothache medicine.

This toothache medicine is not to cure toothache, but to make you feel the pain of toothache personally.

"Just mix it with water and give it to the other party to drink. It is colorless, odorless and transparent. After mixing it with water, I guarantee that no one will be able to see it." Get rid of her.

Jing Ge is extremely confident.

After Hao Xingyue left, Jing Ge lay on the bed with her hands folded behind her head.

Although she didn't ask who Xingyue was trying to trick her, she was still a little concerned about Xingyue's recent abnormal behavior.

It's just that she was busy with her own affairs and didn't have time to understand Xingyue's state, but it seemed that Xingyue could handle it by herself.

After Xingyue went back, she mixed the medicine with water.

She lay down early, covered the quilt, and grabbed the edge of the quilt with both hands, perhaps because it was the first time she did such a bad thing. Her finger bones were a little white, and her hand holding the quilt was a little hard.

Waited until Haishi.

Hao Xingyue was already feeling drowsy, but the man hadn't come yet.

Just when she thought that the other party would not come tonight, there was a sound at the door.

Very faint movement.

"Click." The door lock was broken, and the man walked in.

Familiar breath, familiar movement.

Hao Xingyue quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The visitor approached the bed, touched Xingyue's white and tender cheeks with some rough and dry hands, and a low laugh came from his throat, "Xiao Yueyue, here I am again."

Hao Xingyue remained calm and subconsciously clenched the knife in her hand.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me?" Jun Jiuxin leaned over and looked at Hao Xingyue's white face from a close distance, and sprayed hot breath on her face.

She could smell the dryness on him.

His face was getting closer and closer, Hao Xingyue became inexplicably nervous, even the palm of the hand holding the knife was sweating.

A light kiss fell on her eyelids, and the man's hoarse voice sounded: "Don't pretend to be asleep, don't you know that the eyes of strange beasts can see without hindrance at night?"

Hao Xingyue suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the man angrily.

"Xiao Yueyue, don't look at me like this, you will only make me want to continue to bully you severely." Jun Jiuxin lowered his head to capture Hao Xingyue's lips, Hao Xingyue dodged a few times, but he didn't dodge.

The delicate red lips were gently bitten.

Hao Xingyue pretended to struggle, clenched the short knife in her hand, suddenly lifted the quilt, and attacked Jun Jiuxin's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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