Chapter 757
"Do you think Lang Ming's parents are still alive?" Jing Ge asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Hao Xingyue turned her head and glanced at her, wondering, "Why did you suddenly think of this? Even if Lang Ming can't find his parents, wouldn't it be nice to have us?"

Hao Xingyue had to admit that the moment Jing Ge mentioned Lang Ming's parents, she suddenly became flustered.

She liked Lang Ming very much, and almost treated Lang Ming like her own son.

Lang Ming was about the same age as the child she had never met but was brutally murdered by a vicious person. Every time she saw Lang Ming, she had the illusion that her child was still alive.

She was secretly enjoying this kind of fun in her heart.

But if Lang Ming's parents were found, they would definitely take such a lovely child away.

At that time, what should she do?
She hated this child.

The longer we get along, the more affection she pays for this child, and sometimes she regrets why this is not her child, it would be great if it was her child.

Hao Xingyue admitted that this thought was very selfish.

But she just didn't want Lang Ming to be taken away.

Even if Lang Ming never met her parents in her life, she would still treat Lang Ming as her own child and bring him up, which would not make Lang Ming lack maternal love.


After all, this is someone else's child.

Her child has long been mutilated by those vicious people.

Born to be killed.

Didn't even let her meet.

Every time Hao Xingyue thinks about this matter, blood bleeds from Hao Xingyue's heart, throbbing with pain.

"No." Jing Ge remembered that he hadn't explained that matter to Hao Xingyue, and said, "If Lang Ming wants to restore his human form, he must find his biological father and use his blood as medicine to make Lang Ming Transform back into a human child."

"So it is."

Hao Xingyue also knew the risk of maintaining a half-orc status. After hearing this, she began to feel ashamed of her selfish thoughts just now.

"Then what should we do? There are so many people and Kyushu is so big, how are we going to find Langming's father?"

"It can always be found." Jing Ge thought for a while, and continued: "Before then, I want to ask Jun Jiuxin first to see if there is another way. If there is, it will be great."

The two looked at each other, knowing that this matter was not easy to handle.

Only the bewildered and ignorant Lang Ming buried his head in her lap and snuggled up to her intimately: "Ge'er, I want to eat balls."

Some time ago, she took Lang Ming to practice in the woods, picked up a lot of bird eggs, made steamed eggs for him once or twice, unexpectedly, the little guy became addicted to eating them.

Seeing her this time, I couldn't help mentioning it again.

"Want to eat steamed eggs?" Jing Ge asked.

"Yeah, I want to eat."

Jing Ge rubbed Lang Ming's furry ears, looking at him who is cute and obedient, couldn't help pinching his face lightly: "I'll take you to a place later, you have to be obedient, as long as you promise to be obedient or not Hit people, tomorrow I will take you to find bird eggs and make steamed eggs for you."

"Okay, Langming be good, don't hit anyone." Langming smiled and bent his beautiful eyes.

"Let me go too." Hao Xingyue said.

After going up the mountain for so long, she has not met the leader here, and this is the first time she has proposed to meet that person.

Because of that mysterious man who often appeared at night, Hao Xingyue didn't go out very often, she didn't want Jing Ge to know about it, which would only increase her worries.

"Alright." Jing Ge glanced at her and said.

(End of this chapter)

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